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Word for Today, Tue, 06 Jan 2004, Finding God

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

My friend Larry Davies has written a message about finding God.
The message mentions discipline, both from a physical and a
spiritual viewpoint. I personally think that there are both
physical and spiritual aspects to discipline, whether in matters
of faith or in every day matters, such as the way in which we
take care of our health, how we treat others, how we do our work,
and so on.

Larry uses an every day illustration in his message today, and
perhaps some of you will connect with it, because at this time of
the year, we make ourselves various promises and "resolutions".
Larry accurately points out that what we resolve and what we
actually accomplish are matters of purposeful action, matters of
discipline. We not only have to decide we want something, we
must take action, and we must do so in a way that matters,
something that can be sustained.

God's Word contains everything we need, even to accomplish
discipline, action, and resolution of what we believe. I often
begin with the idea of continually renewing my mind (something
you can read about in Romans 12 and in other places in God's

Will you make a resolution to read God's Word regularly? There
are all kinds of online Bibles, online study tools, Bible in a
Year, Bible in Two Years, study plans, etc. The availability of
tools and materials is not an issue. The issue is our
willingness to not only make it a priority, but to make a habit
of reading God's Word, thinking about it, and praying, asking for
wisdom and guidance to understand the Word and apply the
principles in it every day in our lives.

Yours in Christ,


From: Rebecca []
My name is Rebecca Doolen, 14. I would like to know how to be
more committed to Christ. I love going to church and church
events but I feel like as a teen that's not enough. My best
friend Jessica is so close as every day outside for gym we would
have a 45 minute bible study with any one who would like to. We
had time to worship and pray for each other. Now, I just entered
high school and it's really hard to stay on track. There's
always a fight or something wrong these days. I go to FCA
(Florida Christian Athletes) and people go to school early to
make a chain around the flag pole and pray. We call ourselves
"The Children of God." As I grow older I would like to grow
closer to Him and that is why I'm asking you to give me advice.
Write me back if you can.

Editor: That's a great question Rebecca, I hope you like my
answers I'll try to give you and others over the next few weeks.
Meanwhile, I encourage you to write Rebecca with encouragement.

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by Larry Davies

I have two dumbbells in my office. No, I'm not talking about my
family. I'm referring to exercise equipment. The dumbbells
symbolize my (tsk-tsk) single-minded dedication to exercise,
physical fitness, workouts, diets and overall attention to good
nutrition. In other words, all of the good stuff I'm supposed to
be doing for a healthy active life.

The label says, "Executive Dumbbells." What does that mean?
What's the difference between executive and regular dumbbells? I
don't know: Maybe ten bucks?

When is the last time, I actually used the dumbbells? Ouch! Bad
Question, for me. Let me simply say... "It's been a long time."
How does the old saying go? I know I've sinned Lord but I've got
some really great excuses. By the way, the dumbbells aren't the
only unused items lying around.

If you take a walk through my house, you will find several
pieces of exercise equipment gathering dust. My stair climber is
particularly good for hanging dirty shirts. A quick peek at my
library will show more than a dozen books on diets, exercise and
weight control. I can truthfully say that I have read at least
the first chapter of each book. Every January while making New
Year's resolutions, I faithfully look for another book and every
February, the same book lies unread.

Confession Time: When it comes to exercise and weight
management, I don't use the dumbbells or the stair climber or
follow the advice offered by my books. In other words, I am the

I don't need more exercise equipment or books as much as I need
a healthy dose of discipline. For me, discipline is simply my
day by day willingness to put in practice what I know to be
important steps to a healthier lifestyle: more exercise and
better eating habits.

It is very obvious that I need more discipline in maintaining my
physical health: So one New Years resolution is to be more
disciplined about exercise and diet.

What about my spiritual health? Yes, discipline is important
here, too. Questions to consider: How is my daily prayer life?
Do you regularly read the Bible? Are we active members of a
local church? Is my spiritual life being challenged by regular
participation in a small group? Do you frequently participate in
a ministry serving those in need? Are we actively witnessing our
faith to others?

As you look at the questions, rate yourself honestly: How are
you doing? If you are like me, you probably come up short, so it
is equally obvious that I need more discipline in maintaining my
spiritual health as well. So another New Years resolution would
be to practice more discipline maintaining my spiritual health
and my relationship with God.

Adding discipline to our spiritual life will improve our walk
with God: So another New Years resolution is to be more
disciplined about my spiritual life as well as my physical

But discipline alone is not enough. There are potential hazards
with this analogy.

Have you ever been around a health and fitness freak? Whoa! Talk
about coming on strong! They need to get a life! Unless you
practice their extraordinary level of commitment in health and
physical fitness, you will be judged unworthy and ignored.
People who are serious about spiritual disciplines are often
arrogant as well. Dumbbells are a good analogy but we can go too

So what do we do now? Maybe, we need another analogy. How about
a piano?

Next week we'll talk more about finding God, New Years
resolutions and pianos. Until then, I'm going to try picking up
these dumbbells and see if they still work. I wonder if they
need batteries.

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

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