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Word for Today, Tue, 13 Jan 2004, Right Relationships

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Tue, 13 Jan 2004, Right Relationships

Dear friends,

Choosing the right relationships is important in any context, but
it is of particular importance when it comes to our Creator. God
wants a personal relationship with each one of us.

This message goes into this in detail. I'd just like to
underscore one thing, though, first. We cannot really get any
relationship right until we get and maintain our relationship
right with God. The 1 Corinthians 7 mailing list is all about
relationships, and the fundamental principle is establishing and
maintaining an intimate, personal relationship with God.

Yours in Christ,


January 12, 2004
In Touch Daily Devotional
Right Relationships
Acts 15:34-41

In order to become the people that God wants us to be, it is essential
that we choose the right relationships. They are extremely important
because without them, we will be unable to accomplish much in life. The
relationships that we should pursue are ones that:
Build our confidence in God and in ourselves.
Encourage us when we are troubled and despondent.
Stimulate us to reach our full potential.
Energize us when we are weary.
Comfort us when we are hurting.
Defend us when we are attacked.
Forgive us when we make mistakes.
Love us unconditionally.
Confront us when we go astray.
Serve us when we are overextended.

It is good to ask ourselves if we have anyone in our lives who fills the
needs mentioned on this list. It is also important to discover what
relationships may be dragging us down or deflecting us from the path of
godliness. When this happens, we may have to separate from certain
individuals in order to maintain our standards. But when separation is
not an option-as when the unhealthy relationship involves a family
member-we can still persevere to walk with God.

Now, let's look at that list from a different angle. Ask yourself, Am I
the person who lifts and steadies others in their walk with God? We can
determine to provide those qualities to those around us. Such
relationships are among life's greatest treasures.

To delve deeper into this subject and more, visit the In Touch Web site:

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