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Word for Today, Tue, 16 Mar 2004: Convicted by the Word

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Tue, 16 Mar 2004: Convicted by the Word

Dear friends,

Today's message consists of the Sowing Seeds of Faith weekly
devotional message. This message tugs at a willing heart from
many directions - the desperate prayers of the lost, the
loneliness we find in our midst, the prejudices we hold, and a
pointer to the answers.

The next week's edition of Sowing Seeds will write directly about
the answer, but frankly, the answer is already there - read the
Word of God. Jesus spoke extremely clearly and concisely in His
Sermon on the Mount, recorded in the Gospel of Matthew. All of
the answers can be found there. If you haven't read the sermon
lately, isn't it about time you read it again? Here's a point of
conviction: Between four and five years ago, I met a badly
intoxicated man who was clearly living a life of sin and hiding
from facing real issues in his life. Nevertheless, in a drunken
state, he recited the entire Sermon on the Mount to me and to a
friend who was with me.

Whether we're doing our best right now to be faithful or we are
blatantly sinning, the true fact is that each of us lives with
sin in our lives. I know I do. If a broken, drunken man can
memorize three chapters of the Bible and accurately recite it,
ought that not also inspire those of us who consider ourselves
strong in the faith to know God's Word well, to encourage others
and to be thankful for His Word?

Yours in Christ,

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

Before you read our devotion, "Racism, Alcoholism, Divorce and
Gossip," please study the following actual prayer requests
received recently on our website. All of them desperately need
your prayers and emails of encouragement and support. Please
pray for them now?

Name: Emily, Address: Saint Charles, Illinois
Comments: I want to die. I am a born again Christian, who has
not been living the life. I feel like I cannot regain what I had
in Christ and can never live for him again. I would be better
off dead.

Name: not provided
Comments: I am 13 years old and I am very depressed. I have
been thinking about suicide because I can't take life any more.
I do not wish to do this because I know I have more to live
for. Please pray for me and help me get out of this. Thank
You, may God bless you.

Name: Klarissa, Address: Watertown, SD
Comments: I need prayer badly because I'm thinking of suicide.
I'm only fifteen and got out of a relationship I didn't want to
get out of. I am obsessed with cutting myself. Please help. I
don't want to die but if I have to I will.

Name: Deb, Address: Canada
Comments: Hello, I will be short but I am suicidal and have
attempted 2 times before. I feel like God hates me or is
punishing because I have done something really horrible. I lied
with my hand on the Bible after I swore to God to tell only the

Name: DAH, Address: Annapolis
Comments: I'm so tired - I'll be 40 soon and I can honestly say
that I am a complete failure of every relationship I have ever
attempted. I have given up custody of my daughter - and am
resigned to wanting to kill myself. Why does God keep this veil
between himself and me? I've asked God time and time again to
show me his will - but I seem invisible. What do I do next?

Sowing Seeds Ministry receives hundreds of prayer requests and
thousands of prayer partners just like you help us pray for each
one. We continue to need your help and you can do that in one of
two ways: Become one of over 8,500 prayer partners: and/or become a
Sowing Seeds Ministry financial partner by clicking here: Most of
all we need your prayers if our ministry is to continue making a
difference around the world. Thank you. Larry Davies


"Racism, Alcoholism, Divorce and Gossip: What's A Church to
Do?" Larry Davies

Just as the worship service began, a middle-aged,
African-American man, neatly dressed in a blue suit, entered the
sanctuary and quietly took a seat near the door. He smiled but
did not speak to anyone during the service. When the final hymn
concluded, he slipped quietly out. Later, an usher whispered to
the minister that his name was Walter and his breath reeked of

Week after week, the story was the same. Walter would enter just
as the service began, usually wearing the same suit, the same
smile and the same odor of alcohol. Several church members began
to complain. One woman stopped attending. "Deep down, I know
it's wrong," she said. "But I just can't bear to see what is
happening to our little church!" More people complained. "He's
a drunk!" they said. "We can't have alcoholics fouling up our
church service!"

"What about John?" the minister said. John, the son of a
prominent member also attended regularly, was also an alcoholic
but was very white. "That's different!" the church leaders
quietly but firmly stated. Meanwhile, unaware of the controversy
swirling around him, Walter continued attending, saying little
and as the final hymn was sung, silently slipping out the side

What would you do? What should the church do? What would Jesus

1. Politely ask him to leave. His presence is disruptive and a
bad influence on the children.
2. Do nothing. Leave him alone. He's doing no harm and may leave
3. Get involved and look for ways to offer help. But how?

Jesus teaches: "You are the salt of the earth." (Matt. 5:13) The
salt represents our willingness as God's witness to add flavor
and zest to the world around us. God was giving our church a
unique opportunity to be salt and light to someone in need. What
kind of witness would we be?

Jesus is also very blunt on judging others: "Stop judging others
and you will not be judged... And why worry about a speck in
your friend's eye when you have a log in your own?" (Matt.
7:1,3) So, if we are to be salt of the earth and not judge
others... how do we witness God's love to Walter?

First: another story. Bill and Linda Smith have been members of
the same church most of their lives. Bill was head of the
governing board while Jane sang in the choir. As a couple, they
were an indispensable part of the church body. Anyone who needed
help often received it from the Smith's. Friends and family
assumed their marriage was as strong as their faith... rock

One Sunday morning, Bill and Linda were not in church and no one
knew why. During the week, rumors circulated among the church
busybodies. "Bill left home and was living with another woman.
Money was stolen from the business Bill managed." Other rumors
circulated, "Linda was so depressed that she sat at home with
the lights out and the shades drawn... crying, drinking and
popping pills." (Most of these stories were later found to be

The next Sunday, Bill and Linda Smith were still gone. More
rumors circulated all over town. Then, another Sunday passed
with more gossip, no answers and no Bill and Linda Smith.

What would you do? What should the church do? What would Jesus

1. Send Bill and Linda a letter asking them to resign from all
of their church positions.
2. Do nothing. Leave them alone. After all, it's their problem.
Let them work it out.
3. Get involved and look for ways to offer help. But how?

Jesus also teaches us to be the "light of the world." (Mat.
5:14) The light represents our willingness to witness with our
good deeds not just our talk. With Bill and Linda there has
obviously been too much "talk" and too few "good deeds." So, if
you are to be a light to the world instead of a spreader of idle
talk... how should you become God's witness for Bill & Linda

Next Week: Answers! Meanwhile read Matthew chapters 5-7 and look
very closely at chapter 7.

Read Sowing Seeds of Faith... everyday! Click here:

Are you receiving prayer concerns from around the world? Join
our prayer team today. Check it out by clicking here:

How can I regularly support your ministry? Become a Sowing Seeds
Ministry partner. Click here:

Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a
Better Life" now on sale only through our website.

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