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Word for Today, Tue, 19 Aug 2003: The Church and How it Shapes Us

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Today I'd like to share again with you from Larry Davies' Sowing
Seeds of Faith weekly series. Larry mentions that he now has a
daily devotional series available, you can find that information

This message is a continuation of last week's message about how a
church gets started, how it evolves, and how it contributes to a
community. I'm sure we've seen examples, both positive and
negative, about how the church has worked and what it's done in
various communities. Churches consist of people, so when they
fail, often it's a reflection of how we've put people and our
preferences ahead of God. For the most part, however, the church
has been, and continues to be, an instrumental voice in
communities all around the world.

I'm saddened to report today that my own local church is
undergoing pastoral leadership change, and it is because of
personality differences and differences of opinion. Sometimes
such things can, in the long run, prove to be helpful in the life
of a church, but for me, personally, I am saddened any time we
allow our own preferences and idiosyncrasies to get in the way of
our worship of the Lord God Almighty, our love for Him, and our
responsive acts of service to one another. Then again, I'm very
much human myself, prone to the same character and personality
flaws as each of us. I simply pray that God will use this time
in the life of our own local church body to help us realize that
we aren't worshiping a form or a structure, nor are we
worshiping a person - except for the person of Jesus Christ
Himself - and He is definitely a real person, the One person who
knows and understands us far better than we will ever understand

Dear Lord,

I thank You for Your Word, the truth that is in it, the
promises, the reminders, the directives, the encouragement, and
the admonishment that it brings to me in just the right way. I
thank You for making Your Word available and understandable, and
pray that you will use the Word in my life each day, not only
for my own benefit, but for the encouragement of others, too.
Please strengthen Your people, starting with Your church.
Cleanse us of our stubborn ways, our comfort of the things that
we've grown so used to, remove all that is unclean from us, renew
each of us, and restore us completely to the full joy that is
found in You. I know for certain that is what I personally need
most of all - a continual renewal and restoration in You, Dear
Lord. Amen.

Yours in Christ,


Sowing Seeds of Faith...

The response from our readers has been terrific to the question:
"How has the church been an important part of your life?" So, I
decided to let you see highlights of a few of those answers
before I continue the story. I hope you enjoy reading the
heartfelt responses as much as I. Feel free to send comments by
replying to this email. God bless. Larry

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"1953: The World & A Church" Part 2 Larry Davies

Since 1953, a lot has changed, yet much remains the same. But in
the midst of those fifty years of change and turmoil our church
was born and grew strong. How did it happen? What can we learn?
First, let's hear from our readers answering the question: How
has church been an important part of your life? Next week, I'll
share a few answers which enabled one church to make a

"I walked into a church to see a play my youngest son was in. I
had not set foot inside for several years. In fact, I had given
up on Christianity altogether. Something melted inside my heart.
I felt an aching sense that I was missing something which could
fill the spiritual hole inside me. The pull of that service kept
tugging on me and I kept going back. The church has been
responsible for nurturing my spiritual growth as a Christian
through services, Bible Studies, workshops, prayer - the list
goes on. Why is the church important to me? Without it, I would
still be lost." Eveline

"A few weeks ago, I asked for prayer about attending church and
becoming active, after a long desert journey wandering away. I
have been attending this wonderful church since my last email
and have signed up for ministries and attending classes to
strengthen my walk." Joann

"Often the church is referred to as light. Like a moth, I am
drawn to the light. Sometimes I fly close to the light and enjoy
the warmth. Other times I stray into the dimly lit area and fly
my own way. God allows me to dart out into the dark but I am
always drawn back to the light of the church." Jim

"Some of our children have moved away but when they come home
they always want to go to our church because this is home.
Having lost my husband over 3 years ago, this church has been my
salvation. I cannot imagine being anywhere other than here. This
is my home and my family." Fay

"Outside the Church doors, there are so many distractions and so
many people who are different in their interests, beliefs,
values, priorities. Inside is a safe-haven, a place to commune,
worship, and learn. I thank God we have the privilege and
freedom of going to Church." IUOE399

"My church planted important seeds in my life, which came from
my parents and those seeds, in turn, came from their parents and
those seeds grew out of the great revivals." Brian

"My church is an anchor when winds howl, storms come and
turbulent seas become too rough. As I head toward the Lord's
Day, I can see a lighthouse guiding me and the anchor that holds
me fast. When I step through those church doors I feel peaceful
and realize I was never alone in the storm: One greater than I
was there all along." Nancy

"We had a youth group called 'The Way Station' which met every
Friday night where we would hear God's word, share testimonies,
and sing songs. My Christian life grew so much during that time.
I often wonder if I would be a Christian today without that
church experience." Debbie

"I am a retired Marine. The church is important to us because in
the twenty years I served our country, traveling around the
world; it became the family we left behind. No matter where we
went, our family was there waiting for us." Mike Sweet

"I was a Youth Pastor, when my marriage fell apart. I stepped
down because I couldn't serve God effectively and go through the
pain. The following months, I pulled away from God and everyone
around me. I fell into a deep depression and reached the point
that I couldn't see any reason to continue living. It was my
relationship with God and the church family praying for me that
pulled me out of the depression. I now lead a divorce care
group." Darrell

"I'd been a Buddhist when we went to a September 11 memorial
service. I cried through the whole thing and never felt so at
home. I knew this was where I belonged. Next week, we returned
and I accepted Jesus as Lord. I am disabled and have massive
financial problems. Yet, I am at peace and happier than ever. I
feel the power of Jesus and trust him with all my heart and
soul." Darlene

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