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Word for Today, Tue, 2 Sep 2003: The Relevant Church

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I firmly believe that the local church has been ordained by God
as one of the primary places to come together as fellow
believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, in whom we find our own
source of hope and personal salvation. I believe that the
primary purpose of a local church is to assemble for the
purposes of bringing praise, honor, and glory to God, and
secondarily, but also importantly, to have fellowship with one
another, so that we may be an encouragement to one another.

There are all kinds of ways to accomplish this, and I think
that the differences and diversity of ways has caused many
different forms and groups of churches to emerge over the past
two thousand years or more. Some of the changes have been
important, for at times, individual groups of people have lost
sight of what's written in the Bible, and some have even
departed from the Word almost completely, denying the truth of
the Bible.

But that's not the only reason that different groups have
formed. Sometimes, it's just because of convenience. Other
times it's a matter of style. Still other times it's a matter
of disagreement. God can, and does use even such things for
His own purposes, for even the weaknesses of men cannot thwart
the plans of an Almighty God.

My own local church has just recently experienced the
departure of our Senior Pastor. I don't really know all the
exact reasons, I can only determine that there were apparent
differences in expectations between some people in the
membership of the church and some perceptions about the manner
in which certain matters were handled. From what I can tell,
a confrontation over those perceptions led to the pastor
choosing to go elsewhere .I'm always saddened when such
differences of opinion lead to a separation between people.

I suggest that Larry Davies has some solid principles about how
to first keep the local church always focused on God, and then
how to step out boldly in faith, leading to real action that
affects the lives and souls of those around us (beginning with
ourselves, of course).

The Apostle Paul and the encourager, Barnabas were both great
leaders of the early church. Yet even they had disagreements
that led to them splitting up, at least for a while. I believe
that God used those moments to expand His church.

It is not necessary all of the time to quibble over minor
matters, but sometimes we do have to stand firm in what we
believe. I'd love to see good, solid churches all over the
world with a complete range of styles and characteristics, but
with a common love of God, devotion to Christ, adherence to the
truth in His Word, and a desire to build one another up. I
could care less about style, I'd like to see every style
possible so that people of all interests can be reached. But
that would take some people willing to serve, now wouldn't it?

Yours in Christ,

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

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Hello to all of you incredible people that took time out of
your busy day to spend a few moments in prayer on my behalf.
My husband asked for prayer as I was about to undergo back
surgery. The doctor was surprised at how well everything went
and even spent less time than anticipated. I was pleasantly
surprised at how well my recovery in the hospital went. I
cannot begin to express how blessed I feel that so many of you
responded. Many of you don't even know who I am and yet now I
feel as though I have new friends in Christ. I have known that
prayer is extremely powerful, but I've never felt it like I
did this time. I had no fear going into surgery, I felt at
peace knowing I had my own set of guardian angels with me
during that time. I think a lot of them are still on duty,
someone keeps saying "no" to me when I instinctively go to do
something that I'm not ready to do. I do try not to keep them
too busy. Again, I thank all of you so very much, I have
thanked God for each and! everyone of you. Please feel free to
send any prayer requests you may have our way, we would be
honored to be able to return the blessings to someone else.
God's blessings to all of you. Linda and Dean

Join our unique email prayer ministry by clicking here:

For parts one and two... click here:

"1953 & A Church: Twenty Critical Words" Part 4
Larry Davies

Since 1953, a lot has changed. Technology created digital TVs,
VCR's, cell phones, computers, the internet and microwave ovens.
Yet with all the improvements, we work longer hours, face more
stress make more money and have less time and energy to enjoy
what we've accomplished. The innocence of the "fifties" was
replaced by the cynicism of the 21st Century. Family structures
now include single parents, live in partners and homosexual
unions. Fifty years later we search for something to believe.

But in the midst of those fifty years of change and turmoil,
while other churches struggled to find meaning and simply
survive our church along with many others grew strong. We have
been blessed but why? How did it happen? What lessons can we
learn? What has fifty years of growth taught us?

An unknown author writes in Hebrews: "And so, dear brothers and
sisters, we can boldly enter heaven's Most Holy Place because of
the blood of Jesus. This is the new, life-giving way that Christ
has opened up for us through the sacred curtain, by means of his
death for us." (Hebrews 10:19-20)

God makes an extraordinary promise to the church: "We can boldly
enter heaven's Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus."
What does that mean? First we must prepare and nurture our

10 Foundation Words to help a church stay focused on God:

1. Pray: One prayer group met just to pray "that our church
would continue hearing God's voice."

2. Listen: God's voice is quiet and can come from anywhere,
anytime and from anyone.

3. Biblical: Everything should be designed around being guided
by God's Authoritative Word.

4. Worship: More than music or sermon: Worship should enable you
to feel God's presence.

5. Fellowship: Covered-dish suppers or youth lock-ins:
fellowship strengthens relationships.

6. Growth: Is your walk with God growing stronger? What are you
doing to nurture your faith?

7. Grace: As family, God's grace is a reminder we may stumble
but help is there to give us a lift.

8. Witness: God's amazing gift of grace is meant to be freely
shared with friends and strangers.

9. Ministry: God's love at work within you for good deeds,
whether in church or community.

10. Mission: Reaching beyond your church walls with acts of love
and charity for those in need.

"And since we have a great High Priest who rules over God's
people, let us go right into the presence of God, with true
hearts fully trusting him. For our evil consciences have been
sprinkled with Christ's blood to make us clean, and our bodies
have been washed with pure water." (21-22)

Once again we are encouraged to trust and be bold so here are
ten action words any church should consider if they want to
boldly serve God and make a difference in their community and
our world.

10 Action Words for a bold church:

1. Risk-taking: God often calls on a church to take great risks
before seeing great miracles.

2. Best: Every church should strive to be the best at something
according to their talents.

3. Passion: Do you get excited when you talk about what's
happening at your church?

4. Creative: The joke around our church is that you never what
is going to happen next.

5. Alert: Opportunities can and often do come from where you
least expect them.

6. Open: Sometimes the best ideas come from people who are not a
regular part of your church.

7. Basic: Never forget our basic task is simply helping each
other serve and love God better.

8. Relevant: How can what we see and hear Sunday help us become
better Christians Monday?

9. Encourage: How can we encourage one another to outbursts of
love and good deeds?

10. Comfort: God is a God of comfort who will see us through so
we can then comfort others.

If we do this, God will be with us... "Without wavering, let us
hold tightly to the hope we say we have, for God can be trusted
to keep his promise. Think of ways to encourage one another to
outbursts of love and good deeds. And let us not neglect our
meeting together, as some people do, but encourage and warn each
other, especially now that the day of his coming back again is
drawing near." (23-25)

Over the last fifty years, much has changed but September 11,
2001 served as a vivid reminder our need for God's church is
stronger than ever. We must be bold proclaiming God's Word to
the world.

Read Sowing Seeds of Faith... everyday! Click here:

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Ministry partner. Click here:

Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a
Better Life" now on sale only through our website.

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