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Word for Today, Tue, 20 Jan 2004, Finding God - In a Personal Relationship

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Tue, 20 Jan 2004, Finding God - In a Personal Relationship

Dear friends,

We've been writing quite a bit about personal relationships,
that's really what spiritual life is all about - establishing,
then cultivating, a deeply personal relationship with God that
permeates every area of our lives.

The third part of Larry Davies' latest series of messages
complements this theme well. It really covers the humble aspect
of reaching out to God in the middle of our need. We needn't
wait, however, until desperate circumstances arise. We can, and
should, actively seek God at all times.

Let's read Larry's entertaining narrative, then do some serious
thinking about what's going on in each of our lives, then quietly
take it all before the Lord in prayer.

Yours in Christ,


From: []
Yesterday, I read the article that you wrote in Sunday's
newsletter "If You're Going to Fly...You've Got to Flap Your
Wings!" I though about giving up the Singles Ministry and that
in the beginning I was very excited and now I am not as excited
as I was. God knows my heart. It never ceases to amaze me on how
He gently leads me back to where I should be serving.

In the article you wrote and I quote: "Jesus is talking about
being committed to your mission. Jesus accepted the suffering
because that was his mission. The cross was Jesus Christ's
ultimate mission and he was committed to seeing it through to
the end. A bird's mission is to fly but you must first be
committed to the work and effort of flapping your wings over and
over until you learn to fly." Wow! What timing. God wants me to
complete my mission. This is one area in which I have first hand
experience and for some reason He continues to want to use me in
this area, even when I fail, he wants me to keep flapping my
wings. Thanks for writing this article. I appreciate your
Sowing Seeds Ministry because through you flapping your wings
others begin to fly in their area of mission too. In Christ, Sue

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To see part one and two of this devotion on the internet: click

by Larry Davies

Two weeks ago, we learned through a set of executive dumbbells
that adding discipline to our spiritual life will improve our
walk with God but discipline alone is not enough. Last week, a
piano became a reminder of how God challenges us to grow, to
experiment, to boldly try new ideas and be creative with our
spiritual decisions. But creativity even combined with
discipline is not enough.

Have you ever been around some of our gifted artists? "Spare
me!" Many could easily be described as "stuck on themselves."
Too much emphasis on creativity alone promotes arrogance and
selfishness. We tend to worship our creativity rather than the
Creator who provided the gift. If discipline and creativity
aren't enough: What do we do? We add one more analogy: a

In my office there is a painting, "Peter on the Water" by
Norbert McNulty. Surrounded by a dangerous thunderstorm, the
disciples are tossed about in their boat, faces flush with fear.
Peter however, boldly steps onto the water to join Jesus. But
something goes terribly wrong as he begins to sink into the
turbulent sea. There is only one hope as Peter desperately
reaches out for the outstretched hand of Jesus. Amidst the
raging storm, Jesus calmly pulls Peter to safety.

We can only go so far on our own... then we must reach for help.

The Bible goes on to say, "And when they climbed back into the
boat, the wind stopped. Then the disciples worshipped him. 'You
really are the Son of God!' they exclaimed." (Mat. 14:33)

When we recognize our need for help... God's outstretched arm is

Discipline with a dose of creativity is important in our journey
of faith but we were never supposed to walk alone. The painting
stands as a poignant reminder of our constant need for the hand
of Jesus to pull us out of the depths. Here is what I learned
from the painting:

* Peter was bold to step out of the boat and walk on the water
toward Jesus. There is a need for boldness when we reach out for
God but boldness alone is not enough...
* Peter was quickly overwhelmed by obstacles of wind and high
waves. We can quickly become overwhelmed when left to our own
devices. So the answer is...
* Peter could do nothing without Christ's outreached arm. We can
accomplish very little without looking and reaching toward
Jesus. So our response should be...
* In the end, all the disciples could say was: "Truly you are
the Son of God." In the end all we can say is: "Truly you are
the Son of God."

Now we look at the same spiritual questions one more time but
armed with the knowledge of how much we need help from each
other and from God in our turbulent lives. How is my daily
prayer life? Do you regularly read the Bible? Are we active
members of a local church? Is my spiritual life being challenged
by regular participation in a small group? Do you frequently
participate in a ministry serving those in need? Are we actively
witnessing our faith to others?

So what have we learned? How should we approach the questions

1. We look to God's help in adding more discipline to our
spiritual life? The two Dumbbells.
2. We use our gifts and talents to be more creative in our walk
with God? The Piano.
3. We recognize that we cannot do steps one and two without
help. The painting.
4. Finally: What else can we say but "Truly you are the Son of

"How can I develop a deeper faith and a closer relationship with
God?" you ask.

I found great answers from, "two dumbbells, a piano and a
painting." My resolutions this year include a commitment to
more discipline and creativity but also knowing deep down, "I'm
in turbulent waters and I'll surely drown if I don't learn to
reach out for the outstretched hand of God."

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

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