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Word for Today, Tue, 23 December 2003: Church is Important

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

In today's message, Larry Davies writes about the importance of
becoming a part of and participating in a local church. Larry
acknowledges that churches aren't perfect. Like people, they
have their own problems. Nevertheless, the church is the
institution that God intended for His people - to devote specific
time to gather, to encourage one another, to set aside time to
worship God together. God made people for the purpose of helping
each other out. While we certainly fall short of completely
achieving this objective, God can and does work in the lives of
people who are willing to live for Him and encourage one another.

I've long felt that even though my own personal salvation is not
tied to a church and that a church is not an end in itself, it is
a very important institution, one that I choose to support with
my participation. In those times where I've been unable to
attend church (they happen from time to time), I most definitely
experience a void that needs to be filled. Looking for another
alternative is not the way to fill it, either. Finding a way
back is.

This week is Christmas week. More people do attend churches
around the world during the Christmas and Easter holiday seasons.
If you haven't been in the habit of regularly attending a church,
visit one during this holiday season, and actively look for a
church that faithfully reads, shares, and teaches directly from
the Word of God, the Bible. Not every church faithfully shares
from the Bible, you'll have to decide for yourself which ones do
and which ones don't. The best way to do that is to 1. Make sure
you read the Bible regularly yourself and 2. Visit more than one
church and compare what's being taught.

It is my prayer that each of you will have a great week, that God
will personally move in your life, and that He will fill you with
His hope, His peace, and most of all, His everlasting love.

Yours in Christ,

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

Sowing Seeds Ministry would like to wish you the very best
Christmas possible. We hope and pray that you truly see the
Christ Child in your Christmas celebration and you are blessed.
We pray for our troops who must endure hardships overseas during
the holidays. We pray for those who are alone at a time when
everyone is talking about family. We pray for those who are
grieving... who are ill... who are spiritually dry. Most of all
we pray for peace on earth and good will toward all. Merry

From: Linda Cavaness [] Dear Pastor
Larry: Wishing you and the staff at Sowing Seeds and all the
faithful Prayer Partners, a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New
Year. It has been a blessing and a privilege to pray with all of
you for the needs of people this past year and I pray the Lord
will return 100 fold, for their faithfulness in praying for so
many needs, hurts and desires. This web site is a source of
encouragement to a hurting world. May the Lord continue to give
us His compassion, understanding, and a fresh insight, to help
all who find this site as a source of refuge in their time of
need! Hugs, Linda Cavaness

"Will It Take Six Strong Men to Bring You Back?" -- Larry Davies

. "I'm too busy to go to church."
. "The sermons are dull and the music is sleepy. Why should I
come just to be bored?"
. "Church people are such hypocrites. They don't practice what
they preach!"
. "I'd rather watch TV and stay home."
. "The church only wants money or my willingness to serve on a
. "I'm young or I'm divorced or I'm poor. They don't want me."

"Do you believe in God?" I tend to reply to any of the above.

"Oh, yes... I'm just not ready to go back to church."

For years, my favorite excuse for not going to church was, "I
work six days a week in a suit and tie. I just want to sleep-in,
relax and read the paper. Why should I dress up again on my only
day off?" Truthfully, I just did not feel any great need to be
in church. Obviously, my situation changed but why?

Zig Ziglar a well-known motivational speaker and author,
literally sold me on the benefits of becoming a Christian and
attending church now instead of putting it off until later. Zig
described the local church as the body of Christ showing me a
piece of Heaven today, not just when we die. What is that piece
of heaven? What are those benefits of attending church? I
thought you would never ask:

* Longer life: Insurance studies show regular church attendance
adds 5.7 years to your life.
* Wealth: The Bible is full of methods for effectively managing
your money.
* Peace: There is a special peace of mind knowing God will
always be there, no matter what.
* Purpose: It's exciting to know God has a special purpose for
your life and mine.
* Courage: God will give you courage and strength to make
ethical and moral stands.
* Love: Learning to love others the way God loves you is a
source of happiness and comfort.
* Forgiveness: Learning to forgive yourself and others can
literally heal your body and your soul.

This is just the short list, but what a picnic basket full of
luscious promises! You live longer. Manage your financial
resources more efficiently. Enjoy peace of mind. Receive
supernatural courage to take a stand. Experience the
breathtaking love of God and obtain the healing medicine of

Why do we need to go to church? "Because the church is still the
best way to strengthen your relationship with God and with
others, find your life's purpose and receive those special

Thanks to Zig Ziglar, I started attending church regularly again
with a whole new attitude. Yes, at times, I was busy, the music
was awful, the preacher was boring and people are still
hypocrites but I also discovered an indescribable love and
peace. I found a source for encouragement and a place of
acceptance. The church isn't perfect, but what human institution
is? The Bible says it best:

Without wavering, let us hold tightly to the hope we say we
have, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Think of ways
to encourage one another to outbursts of love and good deeds.
And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do,
but encourage and warn each other, especially now that the day
of his coming back again is drawing near. (Hebrews 10:23-25)

Here is a dramatic way to think about your current relationship
with God and the church.

A newspaper ad designed by Church Ad Project shows a black and
white photograph of six men carrying a coffin. The caption
reads: "Will it take six strong men to bring you back into the
church?" My first reaction was shock but the ad made me pause
and think. What about you?

Let's face it. You do need the church and the church definitely
needs you. If you've not been to church in awhile... come back.
We've missed you. If you are already active with a church, share
this story with a friend and invite him/her to join you. It sure
beats the alternative offered by this ad. Ecch!!

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a
Better Life" now on sale only through our website.

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