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Word for Today, Tue, 23 Mar 2004: Fruitful Action

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Tue, 23 Mar 2004: Fruitful Action

Dear friends,

This message is part two of Larry Davies' second in the series of
Sowing Seeds of Faith messages dealing with the subject of
judging others. As I read this week's message again, I had some
thoughts about my own situation.

I'd characterize my upbringing as moral and proper. The things I
learned were always based on the "Golden Rule", that is, to "Do
unto others as you would have them do unto you". What's
interesting about the Golden Rule is that, in spite of huge
political and theological differences, nearly every major faith,
including some ancient Eastern religions, have some kind of
affirmation that says to treat others the way you'd like to be

Now isn't that interesting? Well, Jesus not only affirms this
teaching, He shows us the Way, and He makes the ultimate

That's important to me, because in spite of that moral and
upright background, I've done many wrong things. I've done
things that were against everything I've learned, but I've failed
in other ways, too.

Now if I was brought up properly, yet dismally failed when it
comes to doing the right thing, which of us, no matter whether we
had a terrific upbringing or a terrible experience, can say that
we are without fault?

That's what's so wonderful about Jesus Christ. Remember, God
absolutely despises sin - anything that's wrong and goes against
His Way, yet God loves us enough that He sent Jesus to satisfy
the complete wrath of God's anger against wrongdoing.

For those of you who read the old English biblical text,
particularly the authorized King James Version (KJV) of the
Bible, we're told that Jesus Christ is the "10b ... propitiation
for our sins. 11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to
love one another." (1 John 4:10-11, KJV). The infrequently used
word, propitiation here means the complete and full replacement.
In fact, we can't possibly pay or make any sacrifice for our own
sins, for anything we offer ourselves is not pure, but in need of

Nevertheless, God considers His chosen people to be well worth
the sacrifice He made - a huge sacrifice, giving, in essence,

I hope that provides us with a healthy perspective. God's love
for us is HUGE, more than any love we can fathom. Would you
endure torture for a person that didn't even deserve it? Well,
Jesus did, and He did it for you and me. That, my friends, is
what the unconditional love of Jesus Christ is all about.

Now take a look at Larry's story, and see if it all comes
together. I pray that it does, for the glory of God.

Yours in Christ,


Sowing Seeds of Faith... "Racism, Alcoholism, Divorce, Gossip
and Jesus" Sermon!- Part 2

From: Terry Jacobs []
Subject: emails
Larry, our Youth Group at Bethany EC church was excited about
having the opportunity to minister back to those who emailed. We
spent our evening replying to the email prayer list that you
sent us to encourage and share the love of Christ. I would like
to be on your email list to receive as many of these emails as
possible. Thank you for sharing them with us. Terry Jacobs,
Youth Minister, Bethany EC Church, Lancaster Pa.

Name: Jon aDelmann, Address: Arizona
Comments: I need my prayer answered. I'm a 16 year old drug
addict and right now I am having intense suicidal thoughts.
Please pray for me, I do not want to have to end my life but it
seems the only way out. I am a strong Catholic and I know its
against my beliefs, but its getting to hard for me to deal with
the pain and suffering I put my family through... I need your

Sowing Seeds Ministry receives hundreds of prayer requests every
week and thousands of prayer partners help us pray for them. We
continue to need your help and you can do that in one of two
ways: Become one of over 8,500 prayer partners: and/or become a
Sowing Seeds Ministry financial partner by clicking here: Most of
all we need your prayers if our ministry is to continue making a
difference around the world. Thank you. Larry Davies

You can read part one of "Racism, Alcoholism, Divorce, Gossip
and Jesus" Sermon!- by clicking here:


"Racism, Alcoholism, Divorce, Gossip and Jesus" Sermon!-
Part 2 Larry Davies

Last week: Walter, a middle-aged African American man who also
happens to struggle with alcoholism starts attending a small
all-white church. He doesn"t make a scene or disturb anyone but
as his visits continue others begin to complain. In addition,
Bill and Jane Smith, an active couple at every event suddenly
stop coming to church. The gossip is as thick as molasses with
talk of adultery, theft and even drug abuse but so far no one
knows what actually happened.

What would you do? What should the church do? How would Jesus

Jesus" Sermon on the Mount (Matthew Chapters 5-7) offers sound
spiritual guidance. Most of us readily recognize parts of the
sermon but until recently I never noticed how all three chapters
fit together to form one provocative message. Chapter 5 points
out how we should behave in order to receive God"s blessing: We
are to be as salt and light. Knowing we cannot be perfect, Jesus
then provides spiritual tools in chapter 6 designed to help us
strengthen our relationship with God.

At first, Chapter 7 seems to be a collection of sayings with no
real relationship to each other. I was amazed to discover that
Jesus is actually teaching us how to apply what"s already been
learned in chapters five and six to real world situations. I
found six helpful steps:

1. Don"t judge. (v.1) "Stop judging others and you will not
be judged.-

2. Be realistic. (v.6) "Don"t give what is holy to unholy

3. Seek God"s will. (v.7) "Keep on asking and you will be
given what you ask for.-

4. Give respect. (v.12) "Do for others what you would like
them to do for you.-

5. Sacrifice required. (13) "You can enter God"s Kingdom
only through the narrow gate.-

6. Produces good fruit. (v.17) "A healthy tree produces
good fruit...-

Okay Larry... so how would these steps provide help for a small
church and Walter?

1. Don"t judge: After several weeks, the pastor called a church
leaders meeting and asked point blank: "What are we going to do
for Walter? He has a right to be here and we need to help him.-

2. Be realistic: Everyone tried to be diplomatic so the word,
"black- was never mentioned until one gruff old man stood up and
said, "Admit it. If this young man was white we wouldn"t even be
here talking. He"s black and you don"t like him. The alcoholism
is just a sorry excuse to run him down!-

3. Seek God"s will: One woman tentatively raised her hand and
asked: "Preacher, would you lead us in prayer so God can show us
what to do?- After the prayer, a quiet hush fell over the room.

4. Give respect: Another leader responded, "We have not treated
this young man properly. We should make more of an effort to
welcome him to our church family. I think this is where we

5. Sacrifice required: Several spoke up after that: "I"ll sit
beside him next Sunday and introduce him to a few folks.-
Another spoke of his own struggle with alcoholism and vowed to
call Walter.

6. Produces good fruit: The following Sunday, Walter visited the
same building for worship but was welcomed by a noticeably new
church empowered by the love and grace of Jesus Christ.

During Sunday school a member of the class Bill and Linda Smith
attended said: "I am concerned for Bill and Linda. I"ve heard
the rumors about their marital problems but has anyone from our
church actually talked to either of them?- There was a
prolonged silence as first one then another shook their head. "I
for one am not prepared to abandon them when they need us most.
Why don"t we pray for them right now as a class and maybe God
will show us what to do next?- Later that afternoon, two women
from the class visited Linda while two men searched for Bill.

Jesus ends the sermon with the promise, "if we listen and obey,
we will be like the wise man who built his house on solid rock.
The storms come but the house will not collapse. It is the
foolish person who takes the easy way and builds on the sand.
When the inevitable storms come the house will fall with a
mighty crash.- All of us regularly face situations similar to
Walter"s and couples like the Smith"s. The question is: will you
listen to the counsel of Christ? Is your foundation on solid
rock or on shifting sand? "What will you do? What will your
church do?-

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your light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
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