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Word for Today, Tue, 27 Apr 2004: Prayers Make an Encouraging Difference!

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Tue, 27 Apr 2004: Prayers Make an Encouraging Difference!
Dear friends,

Today's message comes from Larry Davies, creator of the Sowing
Seeds of Faith online ministry. Larry Davies is an ordained
Methodist pastor, currently serving in the Timberlake United
Methodist Church of Lynchburg, Virginia.

Larry and I have known each other through our online ministries
since 1998; we now collaborate on the Sowing Seeds Prayer Ministry.

I consider Larry's ministry to be an important and useful one.
Read this message to see some of the reasons I feel this way.

Yours in Christ,


Sowing Seeds of Faith...

Before you read our latest devotion, please read three samples
from our most recent prayer list. Please feel free to send them
an email of encouragement if you can. Our ministry receives
hundreds of requests like these every week. Won't you consider
helping us?

Name: Em~B - Email:
I'm 13 & have reached a point were life has become unlivable. All
I can think of is suicide. Pain is a relief but for how long will
pain quench my sadness? I hardly ever feel happy anymore & I need
someone to tell me to stop. No one has, so I don't. I don't tell
my parents because they wouldn't understand & it would hurt them
deeply. The only thing worse than cutting yourself is cutting
others. I don't want to cause more pain than what I have done to

Name: Vivian Roberts, Address: India - Email:
Lord Jesus, I want to grow more mature in YOU every day. Keep me
humble and open to understand what YOU would have me to learn
from the circumstances I encounter and the people that cross my
path. Thank you for your great patience and unlimited mercy and
grace as I grow in Your Most Precious Name I pray. AMEN

Name: Tracey Dlubac, Address: Unionville, CT - Email:
After 22 years my husband filed. I worry about my finances as we
have nothing to split. Aside from that, my heart is breaking and
it's hard to get up everyday. I haven't been able to find a new
church, as we left our church over a year ago. Please, pray as
God leads. Thank you.

As you can see from the prayer requests, we continue to need your
help and you can do that by becoming one of over 9,000 prayer
partners: and/or
become a Sowing Seeds Ministry financial partner by clicking
here: Most of
all we need your prayers if our ministry is to continue making a
difference around the world.

"Letters 2004" Larry Davies

"A few weeks ago, I searched for a website of prayer. I happened
to see yours and decided to see what it was all about. I
desperately needed prayer and my faith in God restored. I
expected to receive an informal computer generated note. What I
received instead was awesome. Within a few days I received prayer
mail from around the world. I made new Christian friends. I could
hope again. The prayers were so personal. Every single person
who responded actually took the time to read what I needed and
prayed with no judgments, reprimands or insults. I received total
understanding, Christian love and devotion to my prayer needs.
Thank you for restoring our faith." Jacqui

Each week, Sowing Seeds Ministry sends over 23,000 emails filled
with devotions, Bible studies and prayer needs. Every month our
website,, receives over 20,000
visitors from all over the world. Hundreds of those same visitors
leave prayer requests which are emailed to more than 9,000 prayer
partners. People have been healed, marriages strengthened,
suicides prevented and literally thousands have renewed their
relationship with God. But for me, it is the letters received
week in and week out which really tell the story and the
blessings of God on our ministry.

"I was dragging my feet when I first wrote and you encouraged
me. You have been a special BLESSING. When you think... what's
the use? When you are in the valley: disappointed and
discouraged. GOD cares and understands. He wants to give you
miracles, unlimited. So don't give up. Look up. I've been
there. God has opened the windows of heaven for me and He will
for you." Nancy

"It has been a blessing and privilege to pray with all of
you. This web site is a source of encouragement to a hurting
world. May the Lord continue to give compassion, understanding,
and a fresh insight, to help all who find this site as a source
of refuge in their time of need!" Linda

"I just wanted to take a moment to thank God and you for the
wonderful devotions sent out this year. I know I'm not alone in
saying how many times you have touched my heart. There are
countless souls you have touched in the kingdom of God. Also, it
has been a blessing to pray for those in need this year and I
appreciate the prayers of others when I was in need." Sharon

"I requested prayer a few months ago for my wife, Cathy. She had
cancer three times over the past twenty years and breast cancer
for the past four years. She went for a CT scan this week and the
doctor saw no sign of cancer. PRAISE THE LORD!" Danny

"I'm sure God smiles when He sees what and how you write. Your
ability to put things in perspective by relating everyday things
to His teaching is truly a gift. I praise Him every day for
sharing you with us. Please continue serving the Lord and His
children, of which I am one." Bill & Frances

"Thank you for allowing me to be a Prayer Warrior for 'Sowing
Seeds of Faith.' It is truly a blessing to pray for so
many. Also, the emails received from my own prayer requests have
been incredible. The service you offer the world is outstanding
and Our Lord shall not forget what you are doing." Marie

"What you do cannot be measured by earthly standards. Only when
the blessed day comes and you stand before God will you have any
idea of how many lives you've touched by this outreach. Nothing I
can say truly expresses my gratitude for the prayers I am
receiving from all over the world." Nancy

"Thank you so much for writing to me. I cried when I read what
you sent from 2 Corinthians 1:3-7. I knew then I wasn't feeling
this way for nothing. God bless you for your prayers and
support. Your ministry is like God speaking to me through earthly
angels." Sharon

"Our Youth Group was excited about having the opportunity to
minister back to those who emailed you. We spent our evening
replying to the prayer list to encourage and share the love of
Christ. I would like to receive as many emails as possible. Thank
you for sharing them with us." Terry

Our ministry successfully touches lives throughout the world
through the blessings and grace of God and the active
participation of God's people such as you. Thanks for helping us
Sow Seeds of Faith...

Read Sowing Seeds of Faith... everyday! Click here:

Are you receiving prayer concerns from around the world? Join our
prayer team today. Check it out by clicking here:

How can I regularly support your ministry? Become a Sowing Seeds
Ministry partner. Click here:

Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine
for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a
Better Life" now on sale only through our website.

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