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Word for Today, Tue, 30 Mar 2004: Oops? Forgiveness

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Tue, 30 Mar 2004: Oops? Forgiveness

Dear friends,

Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ My
friend, Larry Davies, a man who loves God, is the pastor of a
local church in Virginia, author of books and the founder of an
Internet prayer ministry, writes a weekly devotional series,
which regular readers are probably familiar with by now.

This week's message is about forgiveness - both the forgiveness
that our gracious Savior has made available to us, and the
forgiveness that we may now make freely available to others.

Please read Larry's creative message and consider it carefully..

Yours in Christ,

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

From: Nancy []
Pastor Larry: I think often how faithful you have been not only
to my soul, but multitudes over the Internet. You and those that
sent me neckties during the time I was in need and still using
--for I received many. I am writing to tell you I am still in
the Army of the Lord, fighting to win the battle. I believe God
called me and opened the door. I am determined to press on.

At this time --I am aware postage is high but ----KNOW WHAT I

If anyone wants to help me. The DOLLS can have a bad hair day or
what ever as long as they can be sanitized they will be great. I
am just getting into this. But God spoke to my heart about
getting dolls and preparing them for NURSING HOMES< CHILDREN AT
HOSPITAL and I love dolls even at 65 years old. I would delight
in making clothes and re -doing their hair or if no hair it will
be great, any color or size.

A lady where I used to work, asked me how I was and what am I
doing? I told her about things I was making for the needy and
she asked, "Do you get paid?" I smiled and said not in silver
and gold but by blessings.

Thanks to you Pastor Larry and all the wonderful folks, GOD
BLESS. Nancy Webb, PO BOX 761, Oakland, Fla. 34760 or

"'Oops' & Calculators" Larry Davies

"Oops" is one of those extraordinary sounds that can stir up
joyous laughter and gut-wrenching fear all in the same historic
moment. For example:

During a recent cold winter night a light rain covered the
ground, which soon froze. Early the next morning I stepped out
with my dog eager to do her morning business. As Daisy eagerly
yanked on her leash my right tennis shoe came in contact with
the slippery ice on the front step... "Oops!" Do you get the
idea? ("Oops," may not have been the only word I used.)

The picture of me collapsed on the ground, struggling with a
yelping dog, jumping all around can be quite funny to anyone...
but me. "Oops," is that kind of sound.

Here is another example. You are inside a hospital operating
room, heavily sedated but awake. The surgeon is standing over
you issuing instructions to the nurse.

. "Scalpel." "Check."
. "Swab." "Check."
. Long pause followed by...
. "Oops."

Now, what would you do? Would you stay calm and serenely ask:
"Doctor, did you just say... Oops?" (Right!) You would more
likely scream at the top of your lungs, "Where's the phone? Get
me a lawyer!" Or, how about a good old-fashioned cry for:

"Oops," is that kind of word.

Have there been any major "Oops" in your life lately? Missed
opportunities? Ruined relationships? Something said in anger
that hurt a dear friend? Perhaps someone committed an "Oops"
against you? A fellow worker stabbed you in the back? A trusted
friend betrayed you?

Maybe your "Oops" was against God. You've blown it, big time and
now you need serious help.

The answer could be as close as a calculator. I'm no whiz at
arithmetic so a calculator is always nearby. I crunch a series
of numbers and the machine works perfectly but often in haste I
hit the wrong key. "Oops!" (There's that word again!) No
problem... I just push the button marked "C." You can't miss it.
Mine is marked in red. Instantly, everything is erased and I can
begin again.

God promises to forgive our "Oops" in life the same way. There
is a "C" button on God's calculator unmistakably marked in red
just for you. The "C" stands for Jesus Christ and the red is a
vivid reminder of the cost Jesus paid to clear all of your
"Oops." Confess your mistakes before God, then push the "Red C"
button and everything is erased so you can safely begin

Can seeking forgiveness from God be that straightforward? Ask a
woman about to be punished for adultery. Jesus said to her
accusers, "All right, stone her. But let those who have never
sinned throw the first stones!" Jesus then forgave her. (John
8:1-11) Ask the criminal beside Jesus on the cross. "I assure
you, today you will be with me in paradise." (Luke 23:24) Ask
Peter, the disciple who denied Jesus, received forgiveness and
became the leader of the Christian Church.

The Season of Lent is designated by the church as a period of
preparation for Christ's death and resurrection. Lent lasts for
six weeks beginning on Ash Wednesday and ends Easter Sunday.
This year, could be your opportunity to hit the "Red C" button
on God's calculator and clear some major "Oops" in your life.
God's calculator is ready. Don't wait! Go ahead and push that

Speaking of "Oops." I need to stop writing. I think my dog just
did an "Oops" on the kitchen floor.

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

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