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Word for Today, Tue, 30 Sep 2003: A Common Purpose

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Yesterday I shared with you a story about my young son "running
to Jesus" and I shared the words to the song "Pour Out My Heart".
That's the theme I'm thinking about this week, so I'd like to
share the words to that song again, followed by this week's
edition of Larry Davies' Sowing Seeds of Faith.

In this week's edition, Larry writes about how two churches got
together to rebuild. We won't get to read the conclusion until
next week (unless you hunt somewhere through Larry's series of
messages), but I'll tell you this much. As usual, it will be a
story of how God works in the lives of his people, and how even
the unusual and tragic circumstances of life can lead people with
differing interests to come together, united in love and purpose.

To me, as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, no matter where we
come from, our common goals and purposes are the same as those
that are written in the Word of God - to love the Lord our God
with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength - in other words,
to love God completely and withhold nothing at all. In a
similar manner, having first loved God, we also learn to love the
objects of God's love, His people. Therefore, whether we share
the exact same faith or not, whether we look and act the same or
not, we are bonded together with a common spirit that comes from
God Himself. We can get into that more in the days and weeks

Yours in Christ,

Pour Out My Heart
Words and Music by Craig Musseau (Intro)

Here I am, once again,
I pour out my heart for I know that you hear
Every cry, you are listening,
No matter what state my heart is in
You are faithful to answer
With words that are true and a hope that is real
As I feel your touch,
You bring a freedom to all that's within
In the safety of this place, I'm longing to...
Pour out my heart to say that I love you
Pour out my heart to say that I need you
Pour out my heart to say that I'm
Pour out my heart to say that you're

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for A
Better Life" is on sale. This is your chance to own the book so
many have been talking about. Hardback, 330 pages with hundreds
of devotions. Don't miss this special opportunity: Reduced from
$24.95 to only $12.95 or buy two for only $22. All books are
signed by the author. So buy one and give one away. Click for
more information:

A special thank you to Suzanne C. Hickerson who wrote much of
this week's devotion. She is a journalist and a member of our
church. We are very grateful for her contribution.

"1 Tornado, 2 Churches = One New Church Building" Part 1 by
Suzanne C. Hickerson & Larry Davies

Early one Saturday morning Cordelia Alexander awoke to the
sounds of a concrete truck and men talking. The sounds coming
from just outside her bedroom window, were music to her ears.
``It's going to happen,'' Alexander said. ``The sun came out and
it was like God saying `This is the day.'''

It was just a year and a half ago when Alexander watched in
disbelief as a tornado ripped through her community and
destroyed the church in which she has been a member since the
age of 12.

Throughout the day, the buzz of saws and the banging of hammers
could be heard from the hilltop, where the small church once
stood. By day's end, the building was beginning to take shape.
The concrete foundation had been poured and two of the walls
were finished.

Alexander and more than 50 other members of Lawyers Missionary
Baptist Church have dreamed of the day when construction on a
new church would begin.

That dream is now a reality thanks to a unique bond of
stewardship formed between Timberlake United Methodist and
Lawyers Missionary Baptist Church.

To most, "stewardship" simply means money. "Stewardship"
mentioned during a church service is usually followed by a
pledge campaign or offering but there is so much more.
Stewardship is more about being prepared for the unique
opportunities and challenges God often sends our way.

"God has given gifts to each of you from his great variety of
spiritual gifts. Manage them well so that God's generosity can
flow through you." (1 Peter 4:10 NLB) Stewardship is managing
your gifts to be prepared individually and as a church for God's
generosity to flow through you.

Timberlake United Methodist Church in Lynchburg, Virginia
received a unique opportunity in the unlikely form of a tornado,
to help another church and practice good stewardship of our

The picture in the newspaper showed the damaged church with both
side walls and the roof completely blown away. Yet, you could
plainly see exposed pews with bibles and hymnals still in the
racks. Rev. Carlton Johnson, the pastor spoke of rebuilding but
didn't say how.

Larry Davies, pastor of Timberlake UMC said, "I couldn't take my
eyes off that picture. An inner voice kept asking: 'What will
they do next Sunday? Where will they go? Our church is only a
few miles away. Surely we can do something but what?'"

Early that morning, Rev. Johnson of Lawyers Missionary Baptist
Church, Rev. Drinkard, Lynchburg District Superintendent and
Rev. Davies of Timberlake UMC stood in the sanctuary among the
exposed pews and tried to imagine what force of nature could
possibly cause this much damage. One member was sorting through
the debris looking for anything salvageable. You could see the
hurt in his eyes as he spoke of the church he loved.

The following Sunday... two congregations met as one church. In
the hallway connecting the two sanctuaries were tables filled
with food and coffee. As members of Lawyers Missionary Baptist
Church arrived, people from Timberlake were there to greet

For over a year the two churches shared the same building and
more. There were joint concerts and dinners to raise money for
the new church. There were even several joint worship services.
The two youth groups were involved in mission projects

But there seemed to be little progress toward rebuilding Lawyers
Missionary Baptist Church.

Then along came a stewardship challenge and Jim Adams, a
contractor and member of Timberlake UMC responded. (Alas, I'm
out of space and must send part 2 next week.)

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a
Better Life" now on sale only through our website.

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