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Word for Today, Tue, 4 Nov 2003: The Principles of Spiritual Gifts

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Larry Davies has written his weekly Sowing Seeds of Faith series,
and I always look forward to reading it. I hope you enjoy it as
much as I do, for it is always full of interesting stories, but
it is also full of practical truths which come from the Word of

Many of you who visit Christian bookstores may have seen the
book, "The Prayer of Jabez" by Bruce Wilkinson. What's so
interesting about the book and the short scripture passage is
that it really sticks out in the context of the words around it:

"Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, 'Oh that Thou would
bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast [territory], and that
Thine hand might be with me, and that Thou would keep me from
evil, that it may not grieve me!' And God granted him that which
he requested." 1 Chron 4:10

I did a bit of side research on this topic. There are some who
are critical of Wilkinson's work, (for example, see I like Larry's
statements of principles, namely, that we are to:

1. Ask God. Many scriptures back this up. James, in particular,
comes to mind (including the requirements James explains
regarding proper attitudes and motives, which we often talk about
in this column).

2. Challenging us beyond what we are comfortable with - and what
we think we can currently handle. God says that He can (and
will) do more than all that we can ever ask or imagine. Matthew
19 states these words, but they can be found elsewhere as well.

3. Asking for God's protection - His hand. Again, I see this as
within the center of what the Bible says about our relationship
with God. He WANTS us to come to Him with everything, and
certainly a plea for direction and protection.

4. Temptation: every day we are faced with decisions. Even our
success is perfectly good things can tempt us to go beyond what's
good and right.

Personally I did not find the objections in Wilkinson's book that
Berit Kjos and others have found, but I do take exception to the
way in which marketeers, even Christian marketeers use the name
and create an entire market of superfluous stuff around other
things that are potentially useful. Perhaps it is really some of
the extraneous claims external to the scripture that are the
cause of Mr. Kjos' concerns.

I urge all Christians to examine both scripture and commentaries.
>From time to time, there may be inaccuracies in the things I say
or write. Don't automatically accept my work or other author's
works as the Gospel, for the only real Gospel is the Word of God
itself. At the same time, commentaries and devotionals can be
useful tools, when used TOGETHER with the scriptures and
carefully examined.

I find this message below to be wholesome, and I agree with it.
But examine it for yourself and test it against the scriptures,
giving thanks to Almighty God that we have the scriptures so
freely available to us, for they are God's Word to us.

Yours in Christ,

-----Original Message-----
From: Karen A. Robertson []
People from Sowing Seeds of Faith have been praying for my
grandson, Les Fountain (4) who is fighting brain cancer. A month
ago, doctors said his hearing had been impaired by the treatment
but this week they say it has improved!! Since when does hearing
improve unless by God's hand! Praise God! Pray that his body is
CANCER FREE! God bless you all. Karen

Help Wanted: Sowing Seeds Ministry needs ministry partners to
keep our ministry growing and continue reaching the thousands of
people around the world we are helping through prayer and
devotional Bible study. We really do need you. Click here for
more information:

"Spiritual Gifts, The Prayer of Jabez and 'Mousetrap'"
Larry Davies

Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special
function, so it is with Christ's body. We are all parts of his
one body and each of us has different work to do. And since we
are all one body in Christ, we belong to each other and each of
us needs all the others. (Romans 12:4-5)

If you walk by my office this week, you may be concerned about
my sanity or at least my work habits. Why would a preacher take
time out from a hectic schedule to play, "Mousetrap?" But it's
so exciting! Watch. "This is the crank... that turns the shoe...
that kicks the marble back and forth down the stairs... then
rolls down the chute... that moves the hand... that drops the
marble through the thing-a-mi-jig into the tub... that flips the
diver... into the pool... that triggers the cage... that traps
the mouse!"

Isn't this fun? No, I'm not crazy! (Well, maybe a little.)
"Mousetrap" is an interesting way to explain how a church
functions. (You are crazy!) No, I'm serious. The game is a
fascinating mixture of cranks, marbles, stairs, chutes, tubs,
divers and pools all designed to trigger a cage that traps a
mouse? But if you remove even one piece from the formula... the
trap no longer works and the mouse goes free.

How is that like a church? Well... A church is an interesting
mixture of preachers, teachers, musicians, secretaries, youth,
children, single adults, families, new Christians, old
Christians, laborers and sales people all designed to trigger an
atmosphere of encouragement that will help you deepen your
relationship with God, discover your spiritual gifts and use
them to reach out to others. But if you remove even one piece
from the formula... the church weakens and others remain

But pieces have been removed from the formula... As I wrote last
week, the church is not doing well. A survey taken among active
Christians discovered that most of us never or rarely encourage
someone to believe in God, seldom talk about our faith and
rarely pray or read the Bible. If this is true then how can the
church change? A friend recommended that I read, The Prayer of
Jabez by Bruce Wilkinson.

There is a virtually unknown Bible character hidden in First
Chronicles named Jabez, whose name means, "pain." What a name!
After giving birth, his mother names him "pain." Yet, Jabez
apparently overcame his "painful" background because he alone is
singled out as being blessed by God. Why? Because Jabez said a
prayer and God granted his request. Obviously, this is a very
special prayer.

So, let's examine this prayer more carefully:
1. Oh, that you would bless me indeed... sounds selfish at
first but Bruce Wilkinson describes blessings as supernatural
favors from God. Asking for a blessing is seeking the power of
God to flow through you. You are requesting miracles so don't be
surprised when God provides.
2. And enlarge my territory... challenges you to go beyond
what is comfortable. Today as you begin your day ask God to look
for someone or something new in your life. Take risks for God.
3. That your hand would be with me... Stepping beyond what
is comfortable can be dangerous. You are in uncharted territory.
Ask for God's Hand to look after you.
4. And that you would keep me from evil... is simple
recognition that you will be tempted in so many ways. Your
success with this prayer can cause feelings of no longer needing
God. There are more distractions and more temptations. A
reminder that you always need God.

Here is the Prayer of Jabez challenge from the book: Every day
for thirty days, use this prayer as often as possible. Paste
copies wherever you can easily see it. Oh, that you would bless
me indeed and enlarge my territory that your hand would be with
me and that you would keep me from evil. Then simply be alert
for what opportunities God sends your way. Will you take the
challenge with me?

Now, I'm excited! I anticipate a "Mousetrap" church coming
together. As you and your church begin to pray, God starts the
miracle: The crank is turning and the shoe kicks the marble down
the stairs then rolls down the chute that moves the hand that
drops another marble through the thing-a-mi-jig into the tub
that flips the diver into the pool that triggers the cage that
traps the... well, that's the exciting part!

Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special
function, so it is with Christ's body...

Our church along with thousands of others is in the midst of "40
Days of Purpose," a spiritual revival based on the great book by
Rick Warren, "The Purpose Driven Life." So our people are
asking, "What is my purpose?" Two years ago, I tried to answer
the same question based on another great book, "The Prayer of
Jabez" by Bruce Wilkinson. I thought it might be helpful for you
to read it again.

To read part one click here:

For emphasis, a praise report again:

-----Original Message-----
From: Karen A. Robertson []
People from Sowing Seeds of Faith have been praying for my
grandson, Les Fountain (4) who is fighting brain cancer. A month
ago, doctors said his hearing had been impaired by the treatment
but this week they say it has improved!! Since when does hearing
improve unless by God's hand! Praise God! Pray that his body is
CANCER FREE! God bless you all. Karen

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for A
Better Life" is on sale. This is your chance to own the book so
many have been talking about. Hardback, 330 pages with hundreds
of devotions. Don't miss this special opportunity: Reduced from
$24.95 to only $12.95 or buy two for only $22. All books are
signed by the author. So buy one and give one away. Click for
more information:

Read Sowing Seeds of Faith... everyday! Click here:

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our prayer team today. Check it out by clicking here:

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a
Better Life" now on sale only through our website.

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