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Word for Today, Tues, 20 Apr 2004, Living With the Right Attitude

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Tues, 20 Apr 2004, Living With the Right Attitude
Dear friends,

My schedule hasn't permitted me to write regularly to you in
recent days. Fortunately, my friend Larry Davies has another
good message about one of his pastimes that he uses as an
illustration to teach us something about our attitudes. On
several occasions in recent days, even today, I've felt like just
giving up, so this message comes at a good time for me, too.

If you're discouraged about anything, read my favorite book of
the Bible, the book of Philippians, which is full of positive
messages about how to respond with a great attitude, even in the
midst of extreme trials and temptations.

If you think, even for a moment, that Paul had it easy, also read
the book of The Acts of the Apostles, also known as the book of
Acts, which gives a historical account of the ministries of Peter
and Paul and some of the other disciples and apostles. Acts
tells us that Paul was imprisoned at the time he wrote to the
Philippian church. So if you think that Paul is on some kind of
a pedestal, think again. This apostle, Paul, clearly understood
what Jesus Christ did for us, and Paul desired to do the same
thing, giving up everything to spread the Gospel to both Jews and
Greeks everywhere he went.

When my attitude stinks, this is one book I come back to, time
and time again as a reminder of what Christ did for you and
personally for me, too. Read the book of Philippians and read
Larry's message, and you'll see where he's coming from. It's a
good message, one we all need to hear from time to time.

Yours in Christ,

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

Dear Larry, I wanted to let you know that the devotion sent last
week through e-mail hit me like a ton of bricks at precisely the
right moment. Currently I am struggling with getting back on my
feet after my move back home. I have had a very difficult time
finding suitable work. So that devotion and the scripture from
Romans was both fitting and comforting at this time. I am
grateful for people such as yourself that have a way of
clarifying the real importance in life. No, it is not what job I
have. And no, its not how much money I make. What is important
is that this present situation in my life is a God given
opportunity for me learn from my mistakes and grow in character
and in HIM. Thank you for reminding me of that! Love, Suzanne

Name: Diane, Address: Canada Email:
Comments: To everyone who offered me words of support and
prayer--thank you so very much. The response I have received and
continue to receive is overwhelming. Many of your words have
opened my heart to the possibility of keeping my marriage and
working to build love again through trust and faith in God. I
hope this reaches all of you who reached out to me. Thank you
and God Bless, Diane

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all we need your prayers if our ministry is to continue making a
difference around the world.

"Free Cell & The Journey of Life" Larry Davies

On just about any computer with Windows you will find the card
game, 'FreeCell:' my stress reliever. Whenever I come to a
stopping place at work, I play a quick game.' When I'm faced
with a tough situation, I'll pause for another round of
'FreeCell.' When I'm feeling good or just when I have a few
spare minutes, I'll whip out "FreeCell." In fact, I'll use
almost any excuse to play. I love this game.

So, what is "FreeCell?" I thought you would never ask. According
to Microsoft, "The object is to move all the cards to the home
area, using free cells as placeholders." The rules then add a
mysterious extra note: "It is believed (although not proven)
that every game is winnable." Really?

Maybe every game is winnable for a mathematical genius but for
most of us regular folks... not!

1. Sometimes a game is so easy, anyone could play: the cards
just seem to fall into place.

2. Sometimes you only have to look ahead and make a calculated
move or two before winning.

3. Sometimes you make a mistake or a really dumb move and end up
defeating yourself.

4. Sometimes despite your best efforts the game proves too
challenging forcing you to quit.

Oftentimes, however you eventually find yourself in a tight spot
in the middle of the game so you want to quit and start over.
You are one or two moves away from disaster. So what now? At
this point you have reached a turning point. The temptation is
to simply give up. It would be easier to start over but if you
quit, you lose. If you quit often enough, the statistics kept by
the computer mark you as a loser.

But if you refuse to give up: stop for a moment, regroup your
thoughts and then approach the game with a fresh dose of
creativity you will often be rewarded with renewed insight so
that a small correction leads to a series of good moves
resulting in an immensely satisfying victory. If you refuse to
quit and win enough of these turning points the statistics kept
by the computer mark you as winner.

Consistent winners in the game of 'FreeCell' refuse to quit in
the midst of turning points, continue to explore other options
and frequently turn potential disaster into sweet victory.

Ok, Larry... so what is your point? After all, "FreeCell" is
just a game, isn't it? Who cares?

I care because our life journey at times behaves like a game of

1. At times our life seems so easy and our decisions always seem
to turn out right.

2. At times we only have to make a few good choices to keep
things going smoothly.

3. At times we make a mistake or do something really dumb that
causes an obvious setback.

4. At times despite our best efforts our lives prove too
challenging, forcing us to start over.

Oftentimes, however we eventually find ourselves in a tight spot
and our temptation is to just quit and start over. We are one or
two moves away from disaster so what now? At this point we have
reached a turning point. We are tempted to simply give up. It
would be easier to start over but if you quit... you lose. If
you quit often enough, the statistics kept inside our brain mark
us as losers.

But if you refuse to give up: stop for a moment, regroup your
thoughts and then approach your situation with a fresh dose of
creativity you will often be rewarded with renewed insight so
that a small correction leads to a series of good moves
resulting in an immensely satisfying victory. If you refuse to
quit and win enough of these turning points the statistics kept
inside our brains mark us as winners.

Consistent winners on the journey of life refuse to quit in the
midst of turning points, continue to explore other options and
frequently turn potential disaster into sweet victory.

Paul says it well: "I keep working toward that day when I will
finally be all that Christ Jesus saved me for and wants me to
be. No, I am still not all I should be, but I am focusing all my
energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking
forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the
race and receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus,
is calling us up to heaven." (Phil. 3:12-14)

Whether it's 'FreeCell' or the journey of life: "Don't quit,
explore other options and taste the victory."

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

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