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Word for Today, Wed, 04 Feb 2004: Surviving in Our Culture

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Wed, 04 Feb 2004: Surviving in Our Culture
Dear friends,

Today's message comes from Charles Stanley, and it's about being
called to, and living, a life completely devoted to Jesus Christ.
Stanley points out that it's the only effective way to survive
and thrive in our present culture. I'd argue not only that, but
it's the only way to find meaning, purpose, survive, and thrive
in any culture in any period in human history. In fact, His
Story, the Bible, makes this clear time and time again through
stories that have happened at various times throughout the ages.

Our understanding of the things around us has a different
perspective than those who lived before us, yet the same truths
are still present, and the real truth has always been the same -
and continues to this day.

Yours in Christ,


Wednesday , February 4
In Touch Daily Devotional

Surviving Our Present Culture

When we are called into a new life with Christ, we will encounter
obstacles. One of the biggest barriers is the culture in which we live.
We may not even recognize the danger we're in until we fall. Let's look
honestly at our world.

First, it's a secular culture, which means it has little interest in
religious matters or in the Bible. It teaches us to trust in ourselves
and in the things we can see rather than in our unseen triune God. Our
world is also materialistic. Its primary interest is in receiving
material things and gaining wealth, not in focusing on others and giving
sacrificially. It's an anti-Christian culture that acts in opposition to
the way Jesus calls us to live. When Scripture contradicts what our
society believes, people will belittle our lifestyle as narrow-minded
and extreme. It's a rebellious society that defies both the laws of God
and the laws of man. Obedience is considered optional. Our culture is an
immoral one with its overemphasis on sensuality, sexuality, and
perversion. It rejects God's viewpoint on intimacy and marriage in order
to please self. Finally, it's a deceived culture that believes violating
the laws of God will have no consequences.

Each aspect of our society poses a trap for us as Christ-followers. The
key to avoiding these snares is the Word of God. When we study
Scripture, the Holy Spirit will identify which of our culture's lies we
are believing and how to apply God's truth to set us free.

Are you immersed in the world's lies or in God's truth?

To delve deeper into this subject and more, visit the In Touch Web site:

For a free online discipleship study from Dr. Charles Stanley, visit

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