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Word for Today, Wed, 11 Feb 2004: Love means we care

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Wed, 11 Feb 2004: Love means we care
Dear friends,

Today's message is from Charles Stanley, followed by the weekly
edition of Sowing Seeds of Faith. Both messages concern matters
of love - first for our Lord, then for those closest to each of
us. I spent time with my entire family earlier this evening - as
soon as I finish this message, I intend to spend time with my
wife. I pray that you pay special attention to either your
family or someone who is an important person in your life.

Yours in Christ,

Tuesday, February 10
In Touch Daily Devotional

Created to Be Lovers
ROMANS 5:5-8

Jesus Christ has set us free from sin's crippling hold and has
given us His Holy Spirit so we might live a life of love. Because
we are spiritually alive, we can learn to love God with all our
heart, with all our soul, with all our strength, and with all our
mind. (Luke 10:27b) God created us to be lovers-with Him as our
first love.

What does loving God look like? Putting Him first in our lives is
loving Him. God is a jealous God who will not share His rightful
place in our lives with anyone or anything. He alone deserves our
loyalty and devotion. Loving God means spending time deepening
our relationship with Jesus and submitting to Him. We are loving
Him when we give ourselves wholeheartedly to knowing Him and
learning what pleases Him. We express our love when we obey Him.

Scripture also tells us that when we love others, we are loving
Jesus. (Matthew 25:40) Loving others God's way means we will
pursue and act upon what is God's best for the other person. We
will ask God to show us what we can say and what we can do on
behalf of others. We will seek to answer the question, "How can I
build them up and help them grow into Christ's likeness?" When we
love others in obedience to God, we will find ourselves looking
for ways to express God's love to them.

Love is the evidence that we belong to Jesus. (John 13:35) What
does your life say about you?

To delve deeper into this subject and more, visit the In Touch
Web site:

For a free online discipleship study from Dr. Charles Stanley,

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Sowing Seeds of Faith...

From: Nancy Boreham []
Dear Larry, I will pray for your ministry. I will also pray that
the Holy Spirit sends Godly people into your life every day that
will refresh your spirit with their friendship and
encouragement. What you are doing in this ministry cannot be
measured by earthly standards. Only when that blessed day comes
when you stand before our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ will you
really have any idea of how many lives you've touched by this
outreach. This makes me feel great because nothing I can really
say can truly express my gratitude for the prayers that I am
receiving from all over the world.

We treasure your prayers knowing that through your support and
God?s grace our ministry has touched so many lives. Our financial
needs remain but we trust in God and you to do what you can to
help our ministry stay vibrant. Thank you for all your
support. Larry Davies with Sowing Seeds Ministry

You can become a prayer partner and join us in praying for others
around the world by clicking here:

You can financially support our ministry by become a Sowing Seeds
Ministry partner and clicking here:

"Marriage & 'The Treatment'" by Larry Davies

Does your marriage need a little spice? Are you looking for
something to liven up the old relationship? Believe it or not, a
nationally recognized cosmetics company has an interesting
solution. It is called, simply enough, "The Treatment." My wife,
Mell, who happened to work for the company, surprised me recently
with a personal demonstration. And all I can say about "The
Treatment" is, "Wow!"

"Honey," she said one morning. "I want to test one of our
products. May I try it on you?"

After a long pause: "Does this mean I have to wear make-up?" I
said, using my manliest voice.

She laughed, "this isn't about make-up, silly. This is called
"The Treatment" and you'll love it. The directions say, "If by
any chance you are not moved, then I'm to check and see if you
are still breathing. If you are breathing, then there is no
telling what may happen next.!" After that she smiled sweetly
and whispered softly in my ear, "I'll see you tonight, baby!"

You can figure out the rest of the story but lately I've become a
big fan of cosmetic products.

Why is a preacher telling you a story like this?

Because marriage like any important relationship requires a
continuing willingness to give someone else special attention.
Doug Fields in his book, Creative Romance talks about the
importance of continuing your dating relationship long after the
marriage vows are given. Doug writes:

"Adding creativity to your dating and romantic experiences will
add sparkle to your time together. It will also communicate a
message to your spouse that he or she is worth the time and
energy required to bring about a great memory. You and your mate
will never forget a creative date."

The emphasis of Creative Romance is on breaking your routine and
trying something different. Some of his more than 200 ideas for
creative dating include:

* List your spouse?s best qualities in alphabetical order.
* Make your own movie scene - stop and kiss on a bridge as the
sun is setting.
* Fulfill one of your spouse's fantasies.
* Cut out romantic photos from magazines and write messages on them.
* Develop a code word for sex that you can use in a crowd.
* Sing a song to your spouse.
* Have a candlelight picnic in the backyard.
* Put fresh flowers in front of the bathroom sink and write "I
Love You!" in lipstick.
* Plant a tree together in honor of your marriage.
* Mail a love letter to your spouse at work.
* Drop everything and do something for the one you love - right now!

The Bible upholds the sanctity and wonder of marriage by simply
saying, "they will leave Father and Mother and be united to
become one flesh." (Genesis 2:24) The details are left to our

The word love appears more than 800 times throughout the Bible.
The command of God to, "love one another", begins with your
spouse or closest friend and extends out to your children,
neighbors and coworkers. Creative dating is a wonderful way to
say to each other and to the world, "I love you!"

Here's my challenge to each of you: "If you are married? drop
everything and do something special for your spouse? soon! If
you are single? Drop everything and do something special for
your closest friend? Soon! Don't wait. Do it now."

As for me? My wife gave me a delightful gift called "the
treatment." Now, it's my turn! Let's see, I?ll turn the lights
low, light a few candles, put on some special music? I'll leave
the rest to your imagination.

Read Sowing Seeds of Faith... everyday! Click here:

Are you receiving prayer concerns from around the world? Join our
prayer team today. Check it out by clicking here:

How can I regularly support your ministry? Become a Sowing Seeds
Ministry partner. Click here:

Jesus said: "You are the light of the world=like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don?t hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine
for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God?s Recipe for a
Better Life" now on sale only through our


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