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Word for Today, Wed, 14 Jan 2004, Discipline

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Wed, 14 Jan 2004, Discipline

Dear friends,

Andrew Tickle and Larry Davies say it well, so here's a message
about discipline. An exercise for each of you is to locate some
scripture passages that God has placed in His Word to explain the
value and expression of discipline. We'll look into some
scripture here in a future message.

Yours in Christ,


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Tickle []
Hey Larry, I really enjoyed today's devotional. The
exercise/discipline example is a great one for the spiritual
life. I have one suggestion - maybe you have thought of this
already - I think it is typically American - maybe even human -
to think that discipline is solely an individual effort. Me,
Myself and I must pull myself up by my own boot straps to get
this done. Somehow the aspect of community and support need to
be a part of this. Studies have shown that starting an exercise
program with a friend or group of friends is more successful
than doing it alone. Also think of AA - overcoming the disease
is much more effective when done in community and being
accountable to others. Rejoicing with each other when we
succeed, lovingly encouraging and helping each other when we
fail. I don't know how we in the church miss the "family" and
"support group" aspects of the church. Yes, ultimately
individuals are responsible for making the decision to make the
changes and to discipline themselves but it sure makes it a
better (and a more successful prospect) if we know others are
there with us and for us, especially the members of the Trinity.
Peace, Andrew Tickle, M.Div., M.A., Doctoral Candidate,
University of Virginia

Editor: What a great comment! Thanks for sharing it. You make
the definition of being God's church come alive. Thanks again.
Larry Davies

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by Larry Davies

Last week through a set of unused dumbbells, we learned that
adding discipline to our spiritual life will improve our walk
with God: So a great New Years resolution is to be more
disciplined about our spiritual life as well as our physical
health. But discipline alone is not enough.

Have you ever been around a health and fitness freak? Whoa! Talk
about coming on strong! They need to get a life! Unless you
practice their extraordinary level of commitment in health and
physical fitness, you will be judged unworthy and ignored.
People who are serious about spiritual disciplines can be
arrogant as well. Dumbbells are a good analogy but we can go too

So what do we do now? Maybe, we need another analogy. How about
a piano? We have one of those in our house too. Oh how fondly I
recall the precious memories of me sitting at the piano with my
chubby little fingers deftly playing Mozart and Beethoven. Well,
to me it sounded like Mozart and Beethoven but to anyone else,
it sounded more like, "Chopsticks."

A ten-year old playing "Chopsticks" is cute! "Parents are
filled with pride as they imagine their musical prodigy in a
concert hall performing for the appreciative fans. But you can't
play "Chopsticks" forever. Let's face it: a 40 year old with
years of piano lessons who can only play one song is a pathetic
waste of talent and a real bore at parties. Eventually we need
to learn something else or find a new hobby, or spend the rest
of our lives hanging around ten year olds.

To play the piano effectively requires discipline as using the
dumbbells we mentioned earlier but now we add a touch of
creativity. Discipline is required to learn how to read a
musical score and properly stroke the white and black keys in
the right sequence that eventually becomes a song. Creativity is
adding the personal touch which turns an ordinary song into a
listeners delight.

The piano is a reminder of how God constantly challenges us to
grow, to experiment, to boldly try new ideas and be creative
with our spiritual decisions. He wants us to reach out and
discover fresh innovative ways of getting to know and serve our
Lord. The author of Revelation writes: "I know all the things
you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish you were one
or the other! But since you are like lukewarm water, I will spit
you out of my mouth!" (Revelation 3:15-16)

Discipline needs creativity to keep us from becoming lukewarm.
Creativity adds individuality, a spark and passion as we pursue
our relationship with God. What's more, others are attracted to
creativity. When someone plays a piano with imagination and
passion, people will gather to hear and enjoy the beautiful
music. Some will even be inspired to learn to play the piano

So another New Years Resolution is seeking to become more
creative in my walk with God.

Now we look at the same spiritual questions with a balance of
discipline and creativity. How is my daily prayer life? Do you
regularly read the Bible? Are we active members of a local
church? Is my spiritual life being challenged by regular
participation in a small group? Do you frequently participate in
a ministry serving those in need? Are we actively witnessing our
faith to others?

We can look at the list above and look for innovative ways to
improve our spiritual walk with God. This may surprise you but
God is never dull. The piano represents God's gift of creativity
but this too is incomplete. Have you ever been around a gifted
artist? "Spare me!" Many could easily be described as "stuck on
themselves." Too much emphasis on creativity alone promotes
arrogance and selfishness. We tend to worship our creativity
rather than the Creator who provided the gift.

If discipline and creativity aren't enough: What do we do? We
add one more analogy: a painting.

Next week we'll talk more about finding God, New Years
resolutions and a painting. Until then, I'm going to blow the
dust off our piano and try playing something other than

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