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Word for Today, Wed, 18 Feb 2004, Personal Healing

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Wed, 18 Feb 2004, Personal Healing
Dear friends,

Today's message is from my friend, Larry Davies. Concerning the
first part, I help Larry edit the Email prayer letters that his
ministry sends out three times a week. If you're interested in
becoming a prayer partner, Check it out here:

The message today is about healing. It's an important story
because there are widely differing views on what healing is. I
personally believe that God can and will personally heal people
of physical conditions, but that's not always the way things work
out. Larry's message does a good job of helping us sort this
out. He'll be sharing more on this topic with us again next

Yours in Christ,


I receive several emails like this one every week: "I read the
three stories on your web site regarding suicide and had tears
streaming down my cheeks. I too, am at that point. Never thought
I would reach such an all time low. It seems things do not look
up. Hope isn't in my vocabulary. I desperately need prayer. Have
prayed for so long; however, God doesn't seem to hear me. He
knows my current situation, and I need help and strength very

This person found our web site and received support and prayers
from our ministry through a search engine that has recently
raised its price for advertising so high, I must consider
withdrawing unless our ministry receives more funds. Cutting off
our main search engine will deny people the opportunity of
finding our web site and receiving help. We need at least twenty
more ministry partners to each make a monthly commitment of only
$10 to make this possible. If you have been blessed by this
ministry... will you be one of those sponsors? You can find more
information on becoming a Sowing Seeds Ministry financial
partner by clicking here:

"Healing Is Meant to Be A Miracle" by Larry Davies

One of my first hospital visits as a minister was to Rosa, a
woman reportedly dying of complications related to Emphysema.
Rosa was a sweet lady who worked hard all her life as a waitress
in a local restaurant. "Smoking was a bad habit but it helped to
calm my nerves," she admitted. Then she grabbed my hand and
pleaded: "Will you pray for God to heal me?"

I hesitated not knowing how to respond. Should I pray for
healing when someone is expected to die? Suppose I ask God for
healing and nothing happens? Maybe I should just pray for God
to provide comfort and ease her pain but wouldn't that be a cop
out? After all, I claim to believe in miracles so who am I to
say God won't provide one now? What would a more experienced
pastor do? If there were instructions on what to say in a
situation like this, I hadn't read them yet.

With a look of concern, Rosa quietly asked, "Are you okay,

"Yes, yes I'm fine," I replied. Gently taking her hand and the
hand of Willie, her husband, I said, "Let us pray." With all
the fervency I could muster, I prayed for God to give Rosa a
miracle of healing and provide her the opportunity to spend more
time with her husband and family. After the prayer, they
thanked me for the visit and asked me to come again soon.
Despite the prayer, I left the hospital room convinced, Rosa
would not make it through the day... I was wrong.

Rosa came home from the hospital several days later very much
alive and bubbling with enthusiasm and energy. That Sunday, she
and her husband appeared at our worship service for the first
time in years. Rosa told everyone how she was on the verge of
death but God and a prayer by her preacher, miraculously healed

Wow! It was pretty exciting stuff. Maybe I do have a healing
touch. In fact, I was feeling pretty cocky for a struggling
young preacher. "Billy Graham better look out!" I thought I was

Several months later, Rosa went into the hospital again. She
recovered but was noticeably weaker. Once again, I began to
pray in earnest, confidently expecting God to provide yet
another miracle but it would not happen this time. Within a few
days, Rosa slipped into a coma and died.

"What happened to my healing ministry?" I cried out to God. "Why
was this time so different? Why did Rosa have to die? What a
waste! What did I do wrong?"

I obviously needed a few tough lessons on humility but I also
needed to understand something even more important. God does not
promise to heal just because you ask. Healing is meant to be an
extraordinary miracle not simply reduced to an everyday
occurrence. What God does promise is something I never really
understood until much later. God is always ready to offer...

The Apostle Paul said it best: "All praise to the God and Father
of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the source of every mercy and
the God who comforts us." (2 Corinthians 1:3) This statement is
meant to actually define who God is... "God is the source of
every mercy and the God who comforts us."

Shortly after the funeral, Rosa's husband, Willie came by to
thank me. I was visibly surprised and embarrassed but before I
could apologize for failing Rosa so miserably, he went on to
say: "Larry, Rosa and I were never as happy as we were these
last few months. We both rediscovered our faith in God and we
fell in love with each other all over again. We were blessed
with a miracle!"

Lost, in my foolish and selfish pride, I missed God's real
miracle of healing through comfort. A family was given the
precious gift of extra time and they wisely took advantage of
every moment.

I vowed never again to forget that the real "healing touch"
belonged to God. He may not always provide healing... which is
why they are called miracles. God can and will always provide

Next week: I learned another hard lesson on God's healing and
comfort and how we are then pointed from receiving comfort
toward giving ministry. It's a powerful story you won't want to

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a
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