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Word for Today, Wed, 28 Jan 2004: Our Relationship With Christ

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Wed, 28 Jan 2004: Our Relationship With Christ
Dear friends,

When it comes to matters of faith, I'm a big believer that the
Christian faith is primarily about relationships, building,
cultivating, encouraging relationships. The number one
relationship to build is our relationship with God. I believe
that God has written His love letter to us in His Word, the
Bible. Part of cultivating our relationship with God is to know
Him, and to get to know Him intimately, we must be active,
regular readers of His Word.

Another very important component of building our relationship
with God is our communication, our response, to Him. That's
where prayer comes in.

Reading the Word, then thinking about it, then praying about it,
are three really important fundamental components in our personal
relationship with God.

Today's message comes from Neil Anderson. It's about believing
in, identifying with, and trusting Jesus Christ - that's all about
relationships again, isn't it?

Read along in this series and see if you agree.

Yours in Christ,


from Freedom in Christ Ministries

January 27


Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot
see the kingdom of God (John 3:3).

Being in Christ, and all that it means to Christian maturity and
freedom, is the overwhelming theme of the New Testament. For
example, in the six chapters of the Book of Ephesians alone there
are 40 references to being in Christ and having Christ in you.
For every reference to Christ being in you, there are 10 to you
being in Christ. Being in Christ is the most critical element of
our identity.

But we weren't born in Christ. We were born in sin, thanks to the
first Adam. What is God's plan for transforming us from being in
Adam to being in Christ? We must be born again (John 3:3).
Physical birth only gains us physical life. Spiritual life, the
eternal life Christ promises to those who come to Him, is only
gained through spiritual birth (John 3:36).

What does it mean to be spiritually alive in Christ? The moment
you were born again your soul came into union with God in the
same way Adam was in union with God before the Fall. Your
spiritual union with God is complete and eternal because it is
provided by Christ, the last Adam. As long as Christ remains
alive spiritually, you will remain alive spiritually--and that's
for eternity.

Contrary to what many Christians believe, eternal life is not
something you get when you die. You are spiritually alive in
Christ right now. That's how you got to be in union with God, by
being born again spiritually. You'll never be more spiritually
alive than you are right now. The only thing that will change
when you die physically is that you will exchange your old
earthbound body for a new one. But your spiritual life in Christ,
which began when you personally trusted Him, will merely continue

Salvation is not a future addition; it's a present
transformation. And that transformation occurs at spiritual
birth, not physical death. God's Word promises, "He who has the
Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not
have the life" (1 John 5:12). Eternal life is something you
possess right now because you're in Christ. Believe it. Rejoice
in it.

Thank You, Lord, that my eternal salvation is a present-day
reality. I rejoice in this wonderful security and assurance.

This daily devotional is published and distributed by It is written by Neil Anderson at

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