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Word for Today, Wed,17 Sep 2003: What Can I Do?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

You may recall that last week Larry Davies wrote a message
about $7.43, and how a woman in a store was unable to buy baby
food because she a check for $7.43 wouldn't clear and the
store wouldn't allow her to have the food. Our friend
rationalized that this person was irresponsible, possibly a
drug user or an alcoholic. Before we judge too harshly, are
you likely to give away even $7.43, especially when you can be
sure that you'll never see it directly again?

I'd testify that I've done it both ways - I've turned away
from people in need and I've also responded directly to a
need, and I've also looked for other alternatives to help meet
specific needs. I've been the person helping, and I've also
been the person in need.

This week, Larry goes a bit further with his message. Again,
for those of you who've read this series for a long time, you
may have seen the second message, too. This one cuts closer
to the heart of the issues and shows some of the solutions
that we, as responsible, caring people, ought to consider.

I want to ask you how you use your time and energy? Do you do
anything for people, even if it doesn't involve spending money
directly? Do you invest in the lives of other people, whether
you get something directly back from the relationship or not?

I believe that one way we can invest in others is to encourage
them, take time to listen to others, pray for others.
Sometimes we can share our money with others, too. There are
plenty of ways to do that. We all can think of more
potentially worthy causes than we can possibly support.

19 My brothers, if one of you should wander from the truth
and someone should bring him back, 20 remember this:
Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save
him from death and cover over a multitude of sins. (James
5:19-20, NIV). (James is a great book of the Bible to read
for practical things that all true believers should do).

My question to each of you (and I often ask myself this same
question) is "How will I use the time, talents, energies, and
resources that I have?"

Yours in Christ,


Sowing Seeds of Faith...

After my devotional column on $7.43, the following letter
appeared today in our local newspaper: "Saturday morning as I
was drinking my second cup of coffee, I turned the page of the
newspaper to page 9. Each Saturday a different preacher writes a
column. This Saturday, if I had been this preacher, I would have
been ashamed to write this column." (This preacher is me.)

"A poor mother needed baby food for her baby and her check was
no good. This preacher was next in line behind her and didn't
even offer to pay $7.43 for the baby food. He thought, "she's
probably an alcoholic or a drug addict." Regardless, there was a
hungry baby somewhere. The preach said there was no excuse for
his behavior. First he judged the woman, then he could have
helped a hungry baby and didn't."

"That's why I'll never have anything - if I see a person in need
I will help them."

"I never thought any preachers owned a wallet. If they do, I've
never seen a preacher take one out." Signed -- Timothy

My response is, "Ouch that hurt! But in so many ways Timothy is
right in condemning me but the point of the story is that all of
us as Christians claim to be generous givers and yet we miss
countless opportunities to practice what we preach. My only
response to Timothy is that I believe I learned my lesson...
thanks for the reminder that we are being watched."

If you would like to respond to the newspaper you can send an
email to

Now here is the second lesson I learned from, "$7.43"


"$7.43 Continued: A Lesson in
Larry Davies

Tom Riddle was a tough, but fair boss who always knew how to get
the best out of me. Over the years, he has become a close
personal friend. On a recent trip home, I stopped in to visit
Mr. Riddle and talk about old times. But instead of small talk,
I received a unique lesson on giving and ministry.

At one point, he said: "I read your book last night and loved
your story on "$7.43."

"$7.43" was about my visit to a local supermarket where a young
lady, just in front of me, tried to buy several jars of baby
food which happened to total $7.43. Her check was refused and
the store manager asked her to leave. I made excuses for not
helping her, but I could not get the image of the baby food out
of my mind. I should have given the lady $7.43, but to my shame
actually did nothing. I learned a valuable lesson that day and
promised to do better next time.

Mr. Riddle looked at me for a moment, smiled and said: "Well,
Larry, what have you done since then?"

"Well, I've helped a few people personally" I replied, not
really knowing what he wanted me to say.

"I've got an idea," he said and picked up the phone and
instructed his office manager to bring him a check for $743.00.
Then he handed the check to me and said: "I want you to take
this money and put it into one hundred different envelopes and
give it to 100 people in need."

As I took the check and began to thank him, Mr. Riddle asked me
another question. "Larry, this is my gift and I'm happy to do
it. Now, the question is... what will you do?"

Again, I didn't know what to say, but knew he expected me to do
something. Mr. Riddle had given something of value and it was
now my turn to respond. But how could a preacher give a gift
that would make a real difference?

Peter wrote in 1 Peter: "Each one should use whatever gift they
have received to serve others, faithfully administering God's
grace in its various forms." The message is that all of us have
something to give of great value. We simply need to find it and
use it.

A soft voice inside me kept saying: "The best gift you can give
is your book."

"But Lord," I weakly replied: "I haven't even paid the printing
bill yet!"

Several days later at a community gathering, I shared the story
of Mr. Riddle's gift and passed out 50 envelopes each filled
with $7.43 along with fifty copies of my book. The instructions
were to give one envelope and one book to someone in need and
tell the story of $7.43. On the following Sunday morning, fifty
people in our church were given the same opportunity.

Two weeks later, Mr. Riddle visited our church and heard stories
of lives touched by his special gift.

* One woman experiencing a divorce used the money to take the
kids to a local restaurant and then read the book for continued
devotional support.
* Another gift was sent to a man in prison who used the money to
for his daughter's Christmas present and then passed the book
around to fellow inmates.
* A third gift was given to a family struggling through a recent
job layoff.
* Another was sent to a missionary family in Sri Lanka.

One person after another stood and told a moving story of a gift
given and how they felt compelled to become even more involved
in someone else's life. Each one spoke of the joy of offering
something encouraging to a person in need. Our church was given
the opportunity to participate in a miracle.

In addition to helping at least 100 people, Mr. Riddle taught a
valuable lesson on the importance and the joy of giving: All for
only $7.43. Try it for yourself and watch God make your gift
grow and grow!


Sowing Seeds Ministry continues to give away hundreds of books
and devotional materials every year to people in need, prisons,
missionaries and anyone visiting our local church. This
Christmas we will sponsor our second annual "Christmas Child"
program which receives donations over our web site around the
world to help needy families. We have stayed non-profit and use
all donations and books sales to fund our ministry and continue
reaching out to others.

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a
Better Life" now on sale only through our website.

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