Peniel: Face to Face
with God
Genesis 32:22-31
A freshman at Eagle Rock
Junior High won first prize at the greater Idaho Falls Science Fair, April
26, 1997. In his project he urged people to sign a petition demanding
the strict control or total elimination of the chemical dihydrogen monoxide.
And for plenty of good reasons:
It is the a major component
in acid rain.
It contributes to the erosion
of natural landscape.
It accelerates corrosion and
rusting of many metals.
It can cause decreased effectiveness
of automobile brakes
It causes excessive sweating,
vomiting and urination.
It can cause severe burns in
its gaseous state.
It can kill you if accidentally
It has been found in tumors
of terminal cancer patients.
He asked 50 people if they supported
a ban of the chemical. Forty-three said yes, six were undecided,
and only one knew that the chemical was H2O (water). The title of
his prize winning project was, How Gullible Are We? He feels the
conclusion is obvious.
Gullible: easily deceived
or duped.
When it comes to our relationship
with God
are we gullible enough to believe that we can live the Christian
life without any time being spent with God?
A pastor friend has shared
with me that out 95 out of 100 people when asked if they had a consistent
time with God (devotion/quiet time)
said no.
How long would your marriage
last with those odds? How good of a father or mother would you be
with those numbers? How good of a student would you be with percentages
like that?
How good of a child of God
can we be if we seldom spend time with our heavenly Father.
Now on the flip side
God for the 5 who consistently spend time with God the Father
for those
of us who even have a hit & miss time with God.
Please know my heart today
this is not a guilt sermon to which you walk away feeling like a total
failure. No, my intent is to encourage you and myself in several
messages to come (no formal series) to develop a TWG
time with God
and or to add to your TWG.
You might be thinking
am doing pretty good on my own. But to think of what we are doing
without, by not meeting with God ought to be enough to spur, prompt and
encourage us.
Today I want us to look into
the life of the Old Testament character of Jacob. His life story
is interesting in many aspects.
His name means, heal-catcher
, supplanter
one who tricks, cheats, deceives.
Genesis 25:26 Afterward
his brother came out, and his hand took hold of Esau's heel; so his name
was called Jacob.
It is said that Jacob was
born clutching his brothers heal, and was grabbing at things ever after.
(Tammy Garrison, Wrestling with God)
Cheated his brother Esau out
of the birthright of being the first son.
Conned his father Isaac into
believing he was his brother in order to steal the birthright.
Deceived his father-in-law to
enlarge his own sheep herd. (Genesis 30:40-43; 42:1-2)
In Genesis 32:22-31 we find
preparing to encounter his brother Esau. He is fearful and
prays to God for deliverance (Gen 32:11). Jacob then prepares gifts
of treaty or reconciliation to give to his brother.
Jacob perhaps not knowing
had prepared for more than an encounter with man, but with God.
It would be an encounter that would change Him forever. Jacob called
this place Peniel
face to face with God.
Isnt that what we need?
A face to face encounter with God that changes us for the better?
I believe there are great
lessons to be found in this life changing story of Jacob ... of how and
why you and I need a regular TWG . Lets consider them and then make
use of them.
Read: Genesis 32:22-31
1. Preparing for Peniel
getting alone with God
Fearing what might happen
Jacob moves his family and servants across the Jabbok river to the other
side for safe keeping.
Genesis 32:22-24a And
he arose that night and took his two wives, his two female servants, and
his eleven sons, and crossed over the ford of Jabbok. 23 He took them,
sent them over the brook, and sent over what he had. 24 Then Jacob was
left alone;
Jacob had separated
himself, putting a distance between himself and those around him.
Getting alone with God
safe keeping for yourself and your family.
If we want to be a better
husband, wife, father, mother, child, brother, sister
get alone with
God on a consistent basis.
Jacob being alone gave access
for God to enter.
In my own TWG I have started
using a book titled, Disciplines for the Inner Life (by Bob Benson Sr.
& Michael W. Benson). It is giving me structure for the TWG
to which I need. In the book the authors speak
We will have to make
a conscientious effort to move past the superficial in order to enter into
a deeper knowledge of God. The beginning of such an effort must be
the construction of a pattern in our lives in which the voice of God has
access to us. (preface, viiii)
If God is going to have access
to our lives we are going to have make a consistent conscious effort to
get alone with God.
Psalms 46:10 Be
still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will
be exalted in the earth!
Clear out a place for God to
meet you and you to meet God.
Getting away and getting alone
with God has great merit, as we see in the life of Jesus.
Matthew 14:23 And
when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by Himself
to pray. Now when evening came, He was alone there.
Jesus made time to get alone
with the Father, because He valued time with the Father. We too must
value and find the time to get alone with God.
Samuel, my youngest son,
said to me one time when he and I were making a trip to Wal-Mart to buy
some baseball stuff
Dad sometimes I like it being just me and you.
You know the father and son thing. Thats pretty good insight
for a 9 year old!
To get alone with God we
must prepare ourselves,
physically with a place
meet with God
emotionally with a position
to meet with God
spiritually with a peace
meet with God
Psalms 62:5 My
soul, wait silently for God alone, For my expectation is from Him.
2. Prevailing at Peniel
getting aside with God
Genesis 32:24-26 Then
Jacob was left alone; and a Man wrestled with him until the breaking of
day. 25 Now when He saw that He did not prevail against him, He touched
the socket of his hip; and the socket of Jacob's hip was out of joint as
He wrestled with him. 26 And He said, "Let Me go, for the day breaks."
But he said, "I will not let You go unless You bless me!"
Jacob being alone was approached
by God.
I like that
it brings a great
deal of comfort to me to know that God does the approaching.
It tells me God is the One
wants to spend time with me.
watches to spend time with me.
will spend time with me.
Jacobs TWG quickly became WWG
wrestling with God!
One of the prayers of invocation
this week in my TWG said, Cleanse my life from all that negates and
crushes out faith, and fill it with the purity and honesty which foster
it. Cleanse me from the evil which makes unbelief its friend
A friend I shared it with
said, This is almost more than I can stand at the moment.
God when He gets us alone
wants to deal with the superficial and build up the supernatural.
TWG avails us with the opportunity
to get beside God and wrestle with the difficult issues of our lives.
Maybe Jacob struggled with who
will be in control of his life.
He had been one of those guys
who was always making the decision and controlling the situation for himself.
But now the struggling ensued of who would control
Jacob or would he
turn it over to God?
Maybe Jacob struggled with the
character change he needed.
Jacob was going to be used by
God, but in the process there would be a change of character. He
would become Gods man.
Anytime we struggle aside
God, we are changed. Jacobs physical change
hip touched
of the change we may need in how we walk with God.
Jacob stayed in the struggle
until he prevailed!
We need to understand that this
wrestling match with God was one of self-limitation by God. God
could have pinned Jacob and won the match at any moment.
An illustration on a lesser
in tennis I can beat Samuel (9 years old son) all the time.
I could play in such a way that he would never win. However I like
to let him win at times, and doing so he gains not only the experience
of play, but the confidence to play again.
God was choosing to be vulnerable
so that Jacob could prevail. I believe God wanted Jacob to
pin him down ... not in the sense to have victory over God ... but victory
in God. I believe God wants us to wrestle and struggle with the issues
of our lives so that we pin Him down to be the strength of our life.
God meets us on our own
level and within the manner of our personality. - Tammy Garrison
I believe God welcomes the
struggle with us. He is not threatened by our overpowering problems
we might bring with us in our alone time with Him.
Jacob was tenacious in his
struggle with God
he was not letting go! How many problems have
prevailed over us because we let go of God too soon?
There is a blessing in the struggle
Though it might sound like a
God is bigger than any problem you have. We find
it to be true when we get alone and aside of God.
It is there that God allows
us to prevail over those long standing holds on our lives.
In your TWG
get alone and
get aside of God.
3. Preserving at Peniel
getting along with God
Genesis 32:27-31 So
He said to him, "What is your name?" He said, "Jacob." 28 And He said,
"Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled
with God and with men, and have prevailed." 29 Then Jacob asked, saying,
"Tell me Your name, I pray." And He said, "Why is it that you ask about
My name?" And He blessed him there. 30 And Jacob called the name of the
place Peniel: "For I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved."
31 Just as he crossed over Penuel the sun rose on him, and he limped on
his hip.
In Jacobs preparing and
there came a point of preservation.
Jacob would no longer run
from man (Esau, Isaac, Laban) or God
he would now go along with God.
Jacob would leave Peniel
having encountered God face to face and changed forever
a point of preservation.
God in asking of Jacobs name
was not the inquiry for Himself as it was for Jacob.
Did Jacob know who he was?
Do we know who we are in God?
Isaiah 43:1 But
now, thus says the LORD, who created you, O Jacob, And He who formed you,
O Israel: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your
name; You are Mine.
· God lets you know
Jacobs inquiry of the name
of who he was wrestling with, speaks to our need to know God.
God knows us and He wants us to know Him
therefore He will find a place
and a way to meet us to bless us by making Himself known.
Genesis 32:30 And
Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: "For I have seen God face to
face, and my life is preserved."
Isnt that where we need
to meet God
where we are face to face with God.
There is a meeting place
as close as our closet door where Jesus invites and encourages us to find.
Matthew 6:6 But
when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray
to your Father secretly. Then your Father, who knows all secrets, will
reward you.
Thomas a Kempis said, The
more you visit it, the more you will want to return.
To get alone, aside and along
God is where we want to return again and again.
Practical Applications:
Make time to meet with God
sacrifice 30 minutes.
Bible, Place, Time
Begin small and start promptly
Quaker saying
Start early to seize the day
let His thoughts invade you before others do. (Ps 63:1 O
God, You are my God; Early will I seek You;)
Start late to end or settle
your day.
Psalms 119:147-148 I
rise before the dawning of the morning, And cry for help; I hope in Your
word. 148 My eyes are awake through the night watches, That I may meditate
on Your word.
Like most other things we
we want to know what we will get out of it. The best answer
John 1:39 He
said to them, "Come and see." They came and saw where He was staying, and
remained with Him that day
Dont be gullible to believe
you can go without meeting with God. Prepare, Prevail and be Preserved
in your (TWG) time with God!
This sermon was preached
by Robert AuBuchon at Trinity Baptist Church in 2002. All scripture quotations,
unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version.
Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission.
All rights reserved.