Gifted and Equipped – Let’s Go!


(Overcoming all Obstacles)

Foundation for Body Ministry:

  1. We are individually (each one) called and gifted.  (Romans
    11:29, 1 Cor. 12:7) for the common good of the body, (Eph. 4:11-16).
    We are mutually dependent upon each other and we are mutually compensated.
    (1 Cor. 12:14-26).
  2. Those whom God calls and individually gifts, He equips (Eph. 4:12).
    Equips” goes back in Greek to perfecting and correcting of the
    Saints for the work of ministry.  IT IS A  PROCESS!!!!!
  3. Those whom God calls, gifts, equips, He empowers by His spirit.
    (Matt 28:16, John 16:13, John 14:12).  As God says to us, “GO“,
    He progressively passes His power onto the Son, and Jesus says in John
    16:14, “He will take what is mine and pass it onto you.”  The result
    is that we, as a gifted body of believers, will “do the works that I do
    and greater works than these will he do, because I go to the Father.”
    (John 14:12)


Putting “Let’s Go” Into Operation – What does this require?

  1. Making a decision
  2. Taking a leap in faith
  3. Awareness of God’s equipping
  4. Continued openness for perfecting and correcting