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WeLoveGod Rallys

Public NewslettersLast post
adevotionalgroupDevotionals that usually begin with a scripture passage, offer a brief discussion of the passage, and end with a prayer. All devotionals are original writings and are written by a woman who has been a born-again Christian since 1969.159 Topics · 159 PostsLast post: Which Voice is Speaking? · 9 years ago · Forum Archives
bible_notesA FREE Bible commentary/editorial, deals with various questions, issues, and life situations from the angle of what the Bible has to say about it. The purpose for Bible Notes is to glorify God and to help people make it to Heaven.193 Topics · 193 PostsLast post: Bible Notes to be Archived at Asso … · 16 years ago · Forum Archives
burningbushdevoChallenges you to reach your potential as a child of God. This devotional will encourage you, strengthen you, and provoke you. Written by Ed Wrather a former parole officer who is now a pastor.2,135 Topics · 2,135 PostsLast post: BURNING BUSH DEVOTIONAL: How to co … · 2 years ago · Forum Archives
burningbushhtmlThe devotional began June 8, 1998. More information about the devotional and the devotional archive may be found at the Burning Bush website http://www.theburningbush.org2,181 Topics · 2,181 PostsLast post: BURNING BUSH DEVOTIONAL: How to co … · 2 years ago · Forum Archives
clean-hewmorClean, humorous, or at least inspiring messages to perk up your day.2,360 Topics · 2,360 PostsLast post: Thank You · 18 years ago · Forum Archives
docsdailychuckleProvides clean jokes, a positive quote and the first names of a few people who need prayer. It also has a sentence or so about what is happening in my life.1,260 Topics · 1,260 PostsLast post: Doc's Daily Chuckle 9/6/22 · 3 years ago · Forum Archives
DragonRaid - sample game(a Dungeons & Dragons style game)6 Topics · 6 PostsLast post: Sequence 2: Inside The Cave · 3 years ago · glen
epistle2equipDesigned to be a resource for pastors and other ministers, helping to sharpen their skills. Each issue contains an original sermon manuscript, along with other sermon ideas, Bible study outlines, and teaching notes. It also contains feature articles.668 Topics · 668 PostsLast post: E-Pistle for December 1, 2016 · 8 years ago · Forum Archives
feedtheflockFeedtTheFlock was a weekly email devotion on the challenges encountered in youth outreach. Its archives will inspire you.78 Topics · 78 PostsLast post: THE HIGH CALL OF SUFFERING [DEVOTI … · 11 years ago · Forum Archives
forthrightOriginal articles lift your spiritual life to the next level. Published authors engage the Biblical text to take you straight to the Cross of Christ.4,143 Topics · 4,143 PostsLast post: Dark side of humility · 9 years ago · Forum Archives
Geek TalkRandom comments on things you may find interesting - at least *I* find them interesting 😉12 Topics · 13 PostsLast post: DTS Audio · 2 months ago · glen
gracepeaceElectronic periodical, prepared by a Brethren Assembly based servant of God to make known the precious truth learned from the Bible. The contents will enlighten, edify and encourage the members to lead a better christian life. http://gracepeace.net209 Topics · 209 PostsLast post: WORRY-FREE LIVING · 2 years ago ·
heart2heartMany aspects of homemaking, marriage and motherhood are covered in this newsletter with a Christian emphasis.309 Topics · 309 PostsLast post: July 2015 Heart to Heart Newslette … · 10 years ago · Forum Archives
hope4kyiv (LUMglobal)Prayer/praise letter from missionaries Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver and their global ministry of evangelism and equipping. It will provide cultural, spiritual, and personal insight into what God is doing in evangelism, church planting, discipleship, ministry.308 Topics · 308 PostsLast post: SPECIAL UPDATE INFO FROM THE TOLLI … · 3 years ago · Forum Archives
hopechestThe Hope Chest features Christian inspiration, practical teaching tips, resource recommendations, and lot of food for thought for home schooling families.738 Topics · 738 PostsLast post: Pilgrimage and Jubilee: My First F … · 10 years ago · Forum Archives
REVIVAL (anzac)One of the oldest and largest Prophetic/ Revival groups on the Internet. Topics include: The coming worldwide 'Shaking', Reformation and Street-Revival, Revival history, the Prophetic, dreams & visions, the state of the church, etc.2,519 Topics · 2,519 PostsLast post: 1st Chapt- 'CENTURY of COLLAPSE' - … · 2 years ago · Forum Archives
sermonseedsHelps pastors and Bible teachers in their preparations for preaching and teaching. Most of the outlines are alliterated (beginning with the same letter(s). Sermon Seeds are also helpful for anyone wishing to study their Bibles with some brief notes.431 Topics · 431 PostsLast post: SERMON SEEDS M19 FOR 12/27/09 · 15 years ago · Forum Archives
sermonsonthenetMessages of hope and comfort, from Henk Frijters, for those who want to learn more about Jesus and His glorious plan for our lives.327 Topics · 327 PostsLast post: Announcement · 19 years ago · Forum Archives
Shelley's BlogWelcome to my "blog". I hope you'll enjoy what I've put together.18 Topics · 18 PostsLast post: Lessons From Working With My Kids · 3 years ago · Shelley
shouldersBob Tolliver brings encouragement to those who are in positions of leadership and ministry in the work of Christian service, focusing entirely on being a Barnabas to fellow servants in God's work, bearing burdens, and providing prayer support.1,484 Topics · 1,484 PostsLast post: A Voice from the distant past · 3 months ago · Forum Archives
Public ForumsLast post
1corinthians7Like the scripture passage, written by the apostle Paul, this is an archived forum whose purpose is to encourage people in their relationships, especially marriage relationships.1,536 Topics · 1,536 PostsLast post: Word for Today, Mon, 4 January 200 … · 15 years ago · Forum Archives
abesermonsFor the sharing of sermons and sermon ideas, illustrations, etc. It is hoped that this collection will bring a blessing to those using it.393 Topics · 393 PostsLast post: CHRISTIANITY AT ITS BEST · 15 years ago · Forum Archives
aogTheological discussion, prayer requests, praise reports, and fellowship of members and friends of the Assemblies of God - also the sharing of sermons and sermon ideas, illustrations, etc.36,266 Topics · 36,266 PostsLast post: Update on Roger's mom · 11 years ago · Forum Archives
ccmagChristian Computing Magazine. CCMag is a list where newbies and seasoned pros alike can find many computer questions answered.26,536 Topics · 26,536 PostsLast post: Re: ClipTrack? · 8 years ago · Forum Archives
christianbooksDiscussion of Christian books, whether fiction, nonfiction, helps books and others!!2,522 Topics · 2,522 PostsLast post: Re: What are you reading right now … · 9 years ago · Forum Archives
christianguitarFor Christians who play guitar in church, in praise and worship, in the music industry, or just for fun.4,709 Topics · 4,709 PostsLast post: Christianguitar on Facebook · 11 years ago · Forum Archives
churchbassInformation for Christian bass players, with a primary emphasis on those who practice their craft in a church setting. Topics range from equipment usage and information to bass tabs for common worship music.49,547 Topics · 49,547 PostsLast post: Noise cancellation headphones for … · 7 years ago · Forum Archives
cloudburstGet poetry regular people can enjoy. Find a Cloudburst Poem on upbeat themes: personal growth, good relationships, nature, spirituality, family, current events. Especially appropriate for print publications.232 Topics · 232 PostsLast post: A Steady Servant · 10 years ago · Forum Archives
dragonraidCreated to support and encourage DragonRaid players and Adventure Masters, provided a place where users of the system could have questions answered, to share experiences with DR, and discuss optional rules, dark creatures, and other system enhancements.10,549 Topics · 10,549 PostsLast post: Re: DR Email is going to shut down · 7 years ago · Forum Archives
fbcocoaThe FBCocoa archives may help FutureBasic programmers get to grips with Cocoa.1,678 Topics · 1,678 PostsLast post: Inactive fbcocoa list · 11 years ago · Forum Archives
futurebasicA free resource to the FutureBasic programming community - beginners through published commercial software authors; messages archived here are asking and answering questions.77,940 Topics · 77,940 PostsLast post: New Gaggle email list signup · 3 years ago · Forum Archives
homesteadheavenChristian women who either homestead, want to or just love hearing about it. Lots of practical help and advice on gardening, using and raising animals, animal health, crafts, candle making, soap making, canning, food preservation, recipes, $ saving tips..121,179 Topics · 121,179 PostsLast post: Re: Ready? · 7 years ago · Forum Archives
idea-centralShort articles with an inspirational story that is honourable and a testament to Our Savior.1,544 Topics · 1,544 PostsLast post: Thank You · 18 years ago · Forum Archives
pastormailMale pastors sharing sermons, outlines, and prayer requests38,915 Topics · 38,915 PostsLast post: CORRECTION · 6 years ago · Forum Archives