100 THE FINAL WORD F O O T ================================

  • H O L D



PRAY Open my eyes, to see you, my Lord.

READ Revelation 22:6-21.

THINK What stands out for you as the main message of this chapter?

FOCUS The last book of the Bible closes with some important teaching for all who study or teach its truths; though it refers in the first place to Revelation, we can apply it to all of Scripture. DON’T ALLOW ANYTHING TO COME BETWEEN YOURSELF AND GOD (8,9). The Bible is given to lead us to God and to bring us to a worshipping attitude before him. John very naturally wanted to honour the heavenly being who had brought God’s truth to him; but he was forbidden to do so. Preachers and teachers today, and the great men of God in past days must never be given too prominent a place in our thinking. Only Christ is the perfect Revealer of truth (1:1). DON’T ALLOW GOD’S WORD TO BE HIDDEN OR SUPPRESSED (10). The Bible is more important than any newspaper or TV bulletin; what it says is not only true, but provides the answer to the problems of the world. There is no more important task in the world than that of expounding its message. DON’T TAMPER WITH THE TRUTH REVEALED IN GOD’S WORD ((18,19). Note that it is possible to do this in two ways – not only by leaving out some of what the Bible reaches, but also by adding to it – which is what many of the so-called cults do. Jesus, through the Spirit, calls us into a new relationship with himself. A life of continuous refreshment through the water he offers (17). What is your response? —————————————————————- PRAY Make me a skilful and obedient student of your word, O God; and help me to share your truth with many.