God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
Jesus believed in and experienced the ministry of angels:
1. His conception was announced by an angel (Gabriel).
2. His birth was announced by angels.
3. He was tempted by a fallen angel.
4. He was ministered to by angels subsequent to the temptation.
5. His teaching is filled with references to angelic beings.
6. He experienced the ministry of angels in Gethsemane.
7. He could have appealed to twelve legions of angels (Mt. 26:53).
8. [Angels] were present at His tomb following the resurrection.
9. [Angels] were present at His ascension.
The point is that angels were an integral part of Christ’s birth, life, ministry, teaching, death, resurrection, ascension, and will accompany Him at his second advent. To deny the reality of the angelic world is to undermine the integrity of Jesus Himself.
Sam Storms
Iraq (Apr. 15, 2004) - U.S. Navy Chaplain, Lt. Cmdr. Lulrick Balzora, assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion Fourteen (NMCB-14), prepares to baptize Construction Mechanic Kyle Ellis. Balzora baptized several members assigned to NMCB-14 and NMCB-74 using a 2.5 cubic yard front-end loader bucket as an improvised baptismal. NMCB-14 and NMCB-74 are currently deployed in Iraq supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). U.S. Navy photo by Builder 2nd Class Jerome Kirkland (RELEASED)
(Acts 8: 36-39)
WE are discussing a question at this time that has
caused much controversy in the religious world.
We are not discussing it for the purpose of perpetu-
ating the controversy, but for the purpose of ascer-
taining the truth. Some of you are approaching this
theme with preconceived ideas that are keeping you
from looking at the question candidly and honestly.
But we want all of you to forget any previous teaching
you may have had upon the subject; and to consider
it as something entirely new concerning which we are
all going to the Word for information. We shall not
indulge in negative argument unless compelled to do
so. We shall not pick out a few passages here and
there and build a sermon around those passages to
prove a certain position; but we are going to glance
through the New Testament, and study the term from
the different passages in which it is used.
This is a question which you must settle if you ever
expect to belong to any Protestant religious institution.
You can not become a member of any church, excepting
the Friends', without submitting to an ordinance which
that church calls baptism. Hence it is important that
you know what baptism is, what it is for, and who is
eligible for it. This we will find from the Word.
In the very beginning, let me say that the word
"baptize" is a verb. A verb always stands for one
specific action. It can not stand for three altogether
unsynonymous actions. "When I say I am going to
walk down the street, I mean that I am going to walk,
not to run or crawl. So we see that it is useless to talk
about the "modes" of baptism. Baptism stands for
one specific action. It is our purpose, ere we are
through, to find out just what that action is.
1. Matthew 3. In this chapter, we find the word
used for the first time. We find John the Baptist is
preaching in the wilderness of Judea, heralding the
advent of Jesus; and the people of Jerusalem and
Judea, upon the confession of their sins, are being
baptized by John in the Jordan. Note that the people
are being baptized in the river Jordan. This testimony
is very clear.
In the eleventh verse we find that water is the ele-
ment. In the thirteenth verse we read that Jesus came
all the way from Nazareth in Galilee, to be baptized by
John. In the sixteenth verse we find that, after Jesus
was baptized, he "went straightway up out of the
water." Now we know that Jesus was baptized by
John, and that this baptism took place in the river
Jordan, after which He came up out of the water and
the voice of the Almighty recognized Him for the first
time as His own dear Son. But what did John do
when he baptized Him?
2. Matt. 28 : 19. The apostles are given a most
solemn command to teach all nations, and baptize
them; and this baptism is to be done in the name of
the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
We note that this is not a promise, but a specific com-
mand, which the apostles are to obey. We note also
that the teaching must precede baptizing.
3. Mark 1. Here we find testimony similar to that
of Matthew. John is baptizing in the wilderness (v.
4), or in that part of the river Jordan which pene-
trates the wilderness (v. 5). The remainder of the
testimony agrees in all particulars with that of Mat-
4. Mark 16 : 16. This contains a remarkable state-
ment. It conveys the same meaning as the statement
of our Lord in Matt, 28 : 19. He commands the apos-
tles to preach the gospel to every creature; those
who believe and are baptized will be saved. If my
Master says I must be baptized before I am saved, I
am certainly going to obey Him. This makes the term
more important than ever.
5. Luke 3 : 1-22. This language merely corroborates
the testimony of Matthew and Mark. But it adds some
information. In verse 3 we are informed that John
preached "the baptism of repentance for the remission
of sins 9 '; that is, he required people to repent, or turn
from their evil way, before submitting to baptism in
the river Jordan. He did not baptize them for the
remission of sins because Jesus had not yet made
6. John 3 : 22, 23 ; 4 : 1, 2. Luke, having given us
no more information, we turn over to the Gospel ac-
cording to John. John corroborates the testimony of
Matthew, Mark and Luke, concerning John the Bap-
tizer, in the very opening of his narrative. However,
he throws no additional light upon the subject in hand
until we come to his third and fourth chapters. Here
we are informed that Jesus and the disciples were
preaching and baptizing; and that John was baptizing
in Aenon, near to Salim, "because there was much
water there. " Evidently it required a considerable
amount of water for baptizing, although the phrase
"much water" is exceedingly vague. As yet we have
no information concerning the action.
7. Acts 2 : 38, 41. These passages inform us that
Peter, to whom Jesus had given the keys of the king-
dom, makes baptism a positive command. Here we
find the apostles doing what Jesus told them to do —
teaching and baptizing. Peter preaches a short ser-
mon ; three thousand hear and believe, and ask what
they must do. He tells them to repent and be baptized
"for the remission of their sins." We read that those
who received his word were baptized.
These passages confirm the fact that a person must
believe and repent, before being baptized; only a peni-
tent believer is eligible for baptism; that baptism is
ncessary to salvation, or remission of sins; and that
those who believe, repent, and are baptized, are added
to the church by the Lord (v. 47). This clarifies
matters a great deal.
8. Acts 8 : 12. This passage merely confirms our
understanding that a person must hear the gospel, and
believe, before being baptized.
9. Acts 8 : 36-39. Here we have a better view of
the subject. Here we have a very clear illustration of
baptism. It seems that God, foreseeing all the misun-
derstanding that would prevail regarding this subject,
has given us one illustration that is too clear for mis-
understanding. Here are preacher and sinner riding
along together in a chariot; the preacher is preaching
Christ; they come to a certain water; the sinner asks
what is to prevent him being baptized; the preacher
tells him that he may, if he believes with all his heart;
the sinner confesses that he believes that Jesus is the
Christ, the Son of God; they stop the chariot and both
go down into the water; the one who has been com-
missioned to baptize baptizes the one who needs to be
baptized for remission of sins; they come up out of the
water, and go their respective ways. This is indeed
very plain. The only thing we must yet ascertain
is just what the preacher did when he baptized
the sinner. In other words, what was the specific
action? We already have circumstantial evidence
that he immersed him because of the fact that John
baptized in the Jordan, that baptism required much
water, and that in each instance of baptism both
preacher and candidate went down into the water
and came up out of the water. But we want
to be convinced beyond even the shadow of the
doubt; because, knowing that baptism is for remis-
sion of sins, we want to be sure that we are really
10. Acts 9:18; 10:48; 16:15, 33; 18:8. These
passages show that all who came into the church, under
the preaching of the apostles, had to first submit to the
ordinance of baptism. In case of Cornelius and
his household, those who were baptized had previously
spoken with tongues and magnified God; in the case
of Lydia and her household, those who were baptized
were old enough to believe and be comforted by the
words of the apostles; in the case of the jailor and his
household, all who were baptized were old enough to
believe and rejoice. This substantiates our under-
standing that no one is eligible for baptism who is not
old enough to believe and repent.
11. Acts 19: 1-5. John's baptism was that adminis-
tered on condition of repentance looking forward to
remission of sins. John's baptism could not have been
for remission of sins, because remission of sins de-
pended upon the shedding of the blood of Christ,
which would take place several years later. It was
looking forward unto remission of sins. No sins were
ever remitted until Jesus shed His blood upon the cross.
They may have been forgiven, but not remitted. Hence
those whom Paul found at Ephesus, who had been
baptized by John, upon obtaining a better knowledge
of the Way, had to be rebaptized into Christ (Acts
18:24-28). The case of Apollos was similar.
12. Rom. 6: 3-5. What is the specific action? Here
we have it — a burial. It is an institution that symbol-
izes the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. Bap-
tism is a burial with Christ, followed by a resurrec-
tion, by which the old man of sin dies and the new
creature in Jesus Christ arises, by the power of God,
from the watery grave. Very plain indeed. If bap-
tism is a burial, followed by a resurrection, the action
can be no other than immersion. And no one can be
sure that he is baptized until he has been immersed.
13. Gal. 3 : 27. To be saved, to be sanctified, to be
justified, to enjoy remission of sins, one must be in
Christ. Baptism puts the unsaved person into Christ.
It is the last step in the plan of salvation. And just
as many as have been baptized into Christ, have put
on Christ. Since baptism is a burial, followed by a
resurrection, just as many as have been buried with
Him by baptism unto death, and risen to walk in
newness of life, are in Christ. How, then, can one be
sure that he is in Christ until he has been immersed?
14. Col. 2 : 12. This passage substantiates the fact
that baptism symbolizes the death, burial and resur-
rection of Christ.
15. 1 Pet. 3:20, 21. Here Peter states explicitly
that baptism saves us, but not baptism alone. Baptism
is the answer of a good conscience towards God. A
good conscience is one trained in accordance with the
Word, or the conscience of God. We are saved by bap-
tism as the consummation of the divine plan which
puts us into Christ, or the church, which is His body.
We summarize. The penitent believer comes to a
certain water; goes down into the water; is buried
with his Lord in baptism; arises to walk in newness
of life; comes up out of the water, and goes on his
way rejoicing. How very plain!
The questions dividing the religious world of to-day
are not questions of interpretation, but questions of
authority. The controversy over baptism is a fair ex-
ample of this assertion. Theologians and religious
leaders of all ages, including Luther, Calvin and Wes-
ley, are agreed that the action of baptism practiced by
the apostles was immersion. History is very positive
in stating that the substitution of sprinkling and pour-
ing for baptism was made by the authority of the
Roman Catholic Church, in the Council of Ravenna,
1311. The Greek Catholic Church has always prac-
ticed immersion; and it has preserved the Greek lan-
guage, in which the New Testament was written. No
well-informed minister of any religious denomination
will maintain that any other action than immersion
can be gotten out of the New Testament. Any Roman
Catholic priest will inform you that the change was
made by the authority, of the Pope; but he will also
add that, since the Pope is the personal representative
of Jesus Christ on earth, he had the authority to make
the substitution. So it is a question of authority; and
we stand ready to affirm under any and all circum-
stances that no one has the authority to alter a plain,
positive institution of our Master, as well as destroy
altogether the symbolical meaning of the ordinance.
Baptism is a positive command of Jesus Christ. It
is an ordinance placed at the entrance of the kingdom
to test the loyalty of the unconverted. Are you ready
now to do what the Master commands, just because
He has commanded it?