15 THE DISEASE F O O T ================================

  • H O L D



PRAY Heavenly Father, give me wisdom that I may understand and receive your word today. —————————————————————– READ Genesis 4:1-16. —————————————————————– THINK Are there any warnings in this story? Does it help to explain how bitterness grows between people or groups of people (even between Christian groups)? —————————————————————– FOCUS No sin is limited in its effects to just one person and that is especially true in the case of Adam and Eve. Paul tells us (Romans 5:12,14) that their sin affected the whole human race. We see just how quickly the results of the first act of rebellion show up and how others are drawn in. Notice, too, how in Cain’s experience, one sin led to another. He started off with a WRONG ATTITUDE TO GOD (3-5). It is difficult to see exactly why his sacrifice wasn’t accepted – perhaps he didn’t offer the best (‘some’ verse 3 … ‘the best’, verse 4). But his anger and resentment show that he was more concerned about his own reputation and pride than about pleasing God. Abel had the right attitude – there was humility and reverence. That is what pleases God. Cain also had a WRONG ATTITUDE TO SIN (7). Sin has to be resisted. Once we let a wrong idea in, it will slowly take over until it controls us. Recognise the power of sin – ‘crouching’ like an animal waiting to spring. Be ready to fight it with God’s help. Then he had a WRONG VIEW OF OTHER PEOPLE (8,9). Our newspapers often contain stories of people just like this. Other people get in the way so they are disposed of by murder, divorce, dismissal or just by being ignored. But look at God’s attitude. He values everyone and expects the same from us. —————————————————————— PRAY Think of people who feel unwanted and undervalued. Pray for them. Think of something you could do to show love and support for someone who needs it. Ask for God’s help to carry out your good intention. ==========