The Rainbow

The Rainbow THE RAINBOW The rainbow is one of the symbols of the Noahic Covenant. It too, like all the other Covenants point toward our Lord Jesus Christ. The following…

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The Pitfall Of Power

The Pitfall Of Power Inspiration Read 1 Samuel 18:28-19:18 The Pitfall of Power Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are...envy,murders. Gal.5:19,21 Because human life in an ordered…

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The Need For Fulfillment

The Need For Fulfillment FULFILLMENT by Cornelius R. Stam THE NEED FOR FULFILLMENT There is a great outcry these days for fulfillment. Psychology professors and psychiatrists, most of whom show…

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The Most Dangerous BusinessM

The Most Dangerous BusinessM The following quotes are taken from the August/September, 1986 issue of HAPPENINGS; published by the Division Of Foreign Missions, Assembly Of God Headquarters, Springfield, Missouri. THE…

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