
Homosex This paper was composed in March of 1992 in response to a homosexual panel that "strong-armed" their way onto the campus of GMI in response to a cultural and…


Help comes from the Lord

Help comes from the Lord THE <E>LECTRONIC <L>IBRARY E<X>CHANGE Denver, Colorado BBS 303-935-6323 * help The Psalms [Word Study] Psalm 10:14 Thou hast seen it; for thou beholdest mischief and…

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Hallelujah HALLELUJAH Author: Jim Fox Hebrew - hallelu-yah = praise ye Jehovah A word which is found in most of the languages into which the Bible has been translated. Like…


Grave Clothes

Grave Clothes GRAVE CLOTHES Author: Jim Fox Greek - keira = winding sheet Prepatory to burial, the body was washed, amd frequently annointed with spices, then stretched out on a…

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