LOVING LOVING-KINDNESS of God, The Is through Christ # Eph 2:7 Tit 3:4-6 DESCRIBED AS 2a) Great # Ne 9:17 2b) Excellent # Ps 36:7 2c) Good # Ps 69:16…


LOVE to Man

LOVE to Man LOVE to Man Is of God # 1Jo 4:7 Commanded by God # 1Jo 4:21 Commanded by Christ # Joh 13:34 15:12 1Jo 3:23 After the example…

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LOVE to God

LOVE to God LOVE to God Commanded # De 11:1 Jos 22:5 The first great commandment # Mt 22:38 With all the heart # De 6:5 Mt 22:37 Better than…

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LOVE to Christ

LOVE to Christ LOVE to Christ Exhibited by God # Mt 17:5 Joh 5:20 Exhibited by saints # 1Pe 1:8 His personal excellence is deserving of # So 5:9-16 His…

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LOVE of God

LOVE of God LOVE of God, The Is a part of his character # 2Co 13:11 1Jo 4:8 Christ, the especial object of # Joh 15:9 17:26 Christ abides in…

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LOVE of Christ

LOVE of Christ LOVE of Christ, The To the Father # Ps 91:14 Joh 14:31 To his church # So 4:8,9 5:1 Joh 15:9 Eph 5:24 To those who love…

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LONG LONG-SUFFERING of God, The Is part of his character # Ex 34:6 Nu 14:18 Ps 86:15 Salvation, the object of # 2Pe 3:15 Through Christ's intercession # Lu 13:8…



LOCUST LOCUST, The A small insect # Pr 30:24,27 Clean and fit for food # Le 11:21,22 DESCRIBED AS 3a) Wise # Pr 30:24,27 3b) Voracious # Ex 10:15 3c)…



LION LION, The Canaan infested by # 2Ki 17:25,26 DESCRIBED AS 2a) Superior in strength # Jud 14:18 Pr 30:30 2b) Active # De 33:22 2c) Courageous # 2Sa 17:10…



LIGHT LIGHT God the only source of # Jas 1:17 Created by God # Ge 1:3 Isa 45:7 Separated from darkness # Ge 1:4 Sun, moon, and stars appointed to…