HUMILITY HUMILITY Necessary to the service of God # Mic 6:8 Christ an example of # Mt 11:29 Joh 13:14,15 Php 2:5-8 A characteristic of saints # Ps 34:2 THE…
HUMILITY HUMILITY Necessary to the service of God # Mic 6:8 Christ an example of # Mt 11:29 Joh 13:14,15 Php 2:5-8 A characteristic of saints # Ps 34:2 THE…
HUMAN Nature of Christ HUMAN Nature of Christ, The Was necessary to his mediatorial office # 1Ti 2:5 Heb 2:17 Ga 4:4,5 1Co 15:21 Ro 6:15,19 IS PROVED BY HIS…
HOUSES HOUSES Antiquity of # Ge 12:1 19:3 Deep and solid foundations required for # Mt 7:24 Lu 6:48 Sometimes built without foundation # Mt 7:26 Lu 6:49 BUILT OF…
HOSPITALITY HOSPITALITY Commanded # Ro 12:13 1Pe 4:9 Required in ministers # 1Ti 3:2 Tit 1:8 A test of Christian character # 1Ti 5:10 SPECIALLY TO BE SHOWN TO 4a)…
HOMICIDE HOMICIDE Distinguished from murder # Ex 21:13,14 Nu 35:16-21,25 JUSTIFIABLE, DESCRIBED AS 2a) Killing persons condemned by law # Ge 9:6 Ex 35:2 Le 24:16 2b) Killing a thief…
HOLY of Holies HOLY of Holies Divided from the outward tabernacle by a vail # Ex 26:31-33 WAS CALLED THE 2a) Sanctuary # Le 4:6 Ps 20:2 2b) Holy sanctuary…