39 FATHER KNOWS BEST F O O T ================================

  • H O L D



PRAY Teach me your way, O Lord.

READ Proverbs 3:1-35.

THINK Is there a verse in this passage which jumps off the page to you? Perhaps it deals with something in your life. What will you do about it? —————————————————————- FOCUS REMEMBER HIM (1-4). If you love God’s word there will be results in your life (2). Jesus came to give you a full life (John 10:10), not just in length but in quality too. Love God, and you will be loving and faithful to others (3,4). TRUST HIM (5,6). Note the word ‘all’. Only if the Lord has all of you can he fulfil his perfect plan for you. FEAR HIM (7,8). ‘Fear’ means to worship and love the Lord. The Good News translates this as ‘obey’. What has happened to the other, cringing kind of fear? See 1 John 4:18. GIVE TO HIM (9,10). Not just money, but time and energy as well. Do you give in the way that the Lord loves – 2 Corinthians 9:7? SUBMIT TO HIM (11,12). Are you resentful when the Lord disciplines you? Don’t forget, his discipline is a proof that you really belong to him (Hebrews 12:4-11). SEEK HIS WISDOM (13-18). Once again God’s wisdom is praised. Wisdom is more precious than silver or gold or precious jewels. HAVE CONFIDENCE IN HIM (21-26). God gives you wisdom but you have to hold on to it (21). God’s wisdom changes us on the inside, but this change must be seen by others. How does it show in your life? We are protected (23,26), but does this mean that we will never meet with difficulties? They will certainly come – but we can have confidence in him. What do you have to support you (see Deuteronomy 33:27)? —————————————————————-

PRAY Look again at verse 5 and 6. Turn your thoughts to prayer.