47 FREEDOM F O O T ================================

  • H O L D



PRAY Lord, bring your light to this passage and my life today.

READ Isaiah 61:1-11.

THINK What does this chapter say to us about our work in the world?

FOCUS The Israelites in Babylon were crushed, broken-hearted prisoners. The Holy Spirit inspired the prophet Isaiah to bring them good news. A big change was coming. God would avenge them. They could look forward to the rebuilding of their ruined cities and to a period of justice and prosperity. This was an external freedom. But this passage also has the aspect of inner freedom. In fact the whole chapter has this thread of release running right through it. In the synagogue at Nazareth Jesus applied verses 1 and 2a to himself and explained that he had come to fulfil this prophecy (Luke 4:16-21). PREPARATION. Notice three things before the good news is brought to the poor. Spirit-filled – chosen – sent (1). Think of some of the things in Jesus’ life before he began his public ministry – Luke 2:51; 3:21-23; 4:1,2. Hard work, patience, obedience, testing. If Jesus needed this preparation so will we – only more so. PROCLAMATION. The Christian faith is, of course, about a life that is pleasing to God, but also we have news to pass on. We can easily make the excuse of saying that it is the life that matters and we are not very good at speaking for Jesus. A word today, spoken in love, could be the means of bringing hope, healing or comfort to someone in need. The early church had something to say from the word go and they said it on every occasion possible (Acts 2:14; 4:20; 6:2; 8:4; 8;25 etc.) Look at Romans 10:14-15. —————————————————————- PRAY Ask God to help you take the opportunities that God gives to tell others his good news.