1 Servings


2 Dried habaneros
2 Chile de arbol
2 Poblano
2 Chipotle
2 Ancho peppers
1 cn (Small) Tomato paste
1/3 c Apple cider vinegar
1/2 ts Cayenne Pepper
1/2 ts Ground Cumin
1/2 ts Turmeric
1/2 ts Cardamom
1 3/4 c Water
2 tb Chipotle sauce.
Salt and pepper to taste


Place dried peppers in small sauce pan with 1 cup water. Saute on low until
water had reduced to about 1/4 cup. Remove peppers and place on baking
sheet in 250 degree oven until completely dried. Grind in spice mill and
add 1 Tsp. back to pepper reduction along with all other ingredients and
remaining 1 cup water. Simmer on low for 20 min (or until the "bite" from
the vinegar is gone). Add salt and black pepper to taste. Refrigerate
overnight and correct flavors.
Posted to bbq-digest by Brian Geyer <GEYERB@gunet.georgetown.edu> on Nov
11, 1998, converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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