666 The Mark Of The Beast


A Warning to ALL

God has forewarned us of a time when the man of sin, a super human dictator (II Thess. 2:4), known as THE BEAST, will be given power over all kindreds and tongues and nations.., and ALL that dwell on the earth SHALL worship him (except the saints), and he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive his mark, number or name, in order to work, buy or sell. (Rev. 13:7,8,16)

AS A SNARE, shall it come on ALL them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. (Luke 21:35) That is why God warned in the 34th verse, “Take heed… lest… Your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.” Two particular baits the Anti-Christ will use to coax people under his snare before they are caught and compelled to take the mark: money and hunger. Many people are already more concerned about their ability to buy and sell than they are about their soul’s welfare. With all food rationed and scarce, it will be a simple matter to cause a fearful, unbelieving people to accept this mark of allegiance and worship of the Anti-Christ, which seals one’s eternal doom. (Rev. 14:11)


In English it is 600-060-006. In Greek it can be the Greek letters which look like x-e-s, In the Roman it is DC-LX-VI. The Bible does not say every man will have that number, but… it is the number of a MAN, and HIS number is six hundred threescore and six. (Rev. 13:18)


  1. The Anti-Christ will be a super deceiver, and an imitator of Christ. He will be religious at the start. (John 16:2) As Christ desired unity among His followers (John 17:20,21), even so will the Anti-Christ bring about a federation of churches and denominations, but omitting the name and denying the blood and virgin birth of Jesus. As Christ will have a bride (Rev. 19:7), so will the Anti-Christ (Rev. 17:5). As Christ had power to heal the sick, raise the dead, and had power over the elements to do miracles, so will the Anti-Christ SEEMINGLY have power. (Rev. 13:13-15; 11 Thess. 2:10-11).
  2. He will be a great orator…”and shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws. (Dan. 7:25). a mouth that spake very great things.” (Dan 7:20) “… and his mouth as the mouth of a lion…” (Rev. 13:2).
  3. He will be a clever politician, “… he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries (propaganda)”, (Dan. 11:21). He shall promise to end wars and bloodshed with a permanent peace and prosperity to all nations, which he shall be able to accomplish for a short while, in so much that many thousands (including the Jews) will declare that a truth the millennium has surely come indeed.
  4. He will be a commercial wizard, and will have undisputed control over all the world’s finances, silver, gold and pleasant things as mentioned in Daniel 11:38,43 and Rev. 13:17.
  5. He will be a military genius – he will have absolute control of a marvelously equipped international army, and “shall destroy wonderfully” (Dan. 8:24), and “who is able to make war with him?” (Rev. 13:4).
  6. He shall be a successful ruler. The first of his reign shall be marked with such prosperity until all will gladly surrender to him. (Dan. 11:36), but will eventually fade into the worst class of slavery or peons the world has ever heard anything about. (Rev. 13:7, 16; 11 Thess. 2:4). Mankind will be hopelessly paralyzed in his demoniac presence.


Already there are dictators (uncrowned kings) springing up everywhere. It means only one thing: they are preparing the way for the great world dictator, the Anti-Christ, the little horn of Daniel 7:8,20, to come and take the reins of the whole earth.


The Scriptures teach us four ways in which to become entangled with the Beast kingdom: His image, mark, name, number, or number of his name. (Rev. 14:11; 15:2).


Perhaps through radio, television, telstar, and speaking computers, the image will be made “to both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the Image of the beast should be killed.” (Rev. 13:15). The story of the three Hebrew children (Dan. 3) is a type of the Christian in this dreadful time.


No longer do we say, “It shall come to pass in the last days,” but, it HAS come to pass. The blue eagle brought a mark of great change in America. In Russia, the hammer and sickle is the mark. In Germany it was the swastika, and in Italy the battle ax and rods: forerunners of the universal mark of the Beast making the world mark-conscious in order to SNARE the people.


Modernism, Communism. Fascism, Nazism, and all the other isms are hell-born, and the world has accepted them without reservation though they tend to destroy all faith in God. The man of sin will bring about a unified or international name which all must accept.


Practically all nations have their “number” systems in operation, without which no man can secure work or buy the necessities of life. It is used chiefly for identification purposes. In all our defense work and other projects, etc., one must have his number as well as his picture in sight. Since the same number system is used by all nations, it will be a very simple matter to make it international when the stage is set.


The Hall laboratories have an invention that could be utilized as a great asset in these busy times, but the Devil will, no doubt, monopolize it and bring about this very mark of the Beast. It is a fluid that can be written or tattooed on human flesh, but remains invisible unless a certain light shines upon it. Now, one day too soon, when we have more license and ration books and identification numbers than we can manage, most people will gladly have their social security numbers tattooed on themselves and be privileged to “throw away” all the red tape, and march under the red light in the store, or gate to their jobs, and be recognized as beneficiary of all the ration requirements, etc., and thereby ENSNARED into taking the mark of the Beast, the brand of hell. (Rev. 14:11)


“And they OVERCAME him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto death.” (Rev. 12:11)

“To him that OVERCOMETH WILL I give to eat of the hidden manna.” (Rev. 2:17)

“He shall dwell on high; his place of defense shall be the munitions of rocks, bread SHALL be given him; his waters SHALL BE SURE.” (Isaiah 33:16; Dan. 7:21 ,22; Psalms 37:3,19,25,28) Please be wise and heed this WARNING! Determine NEVER under any circumstances to allow or permit this deadly mark to be stamped on YOU. All true Christians must put their trust in the real CHRIST. Rather have your head cut off and go to Heaven than accept their mark and go to Hell.

“I call Heaven and earth to record, this day against you, and that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: “Therefore choose LIFE that both thou and thy seed may live.” (Deut. 30:19)

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