Seafood American Seafood 4 Servings


Fresh razor clams
Flour for dredging
Salt and pepper
Butter and olive oil for frying


I don't know why I am giving you this recipe. It is strictly a Pacific
Northwest luxury item and the clam is becoming scarce. It breaks my heart.
The clams are shelled and then dredged in flour seasoned with a bit of
salt and pepper. Fry these in a mixture of olive oil and butter, over
medium heat, turning once, until they are very lightly brown. This should
take about 4 or 5 minutes to a side. In Seattle/Tacoma people who overcook
razor clams are put in jail. And they have NO chance of appeal!
Remember that these are very rich and rather sweet. I might add a course
of Rice with Cheese and Onions (see recipe) and a green salad. Oh, so rich!
From <The Frugal Gourmet Cooks American>.  Downloaded from Glen's MM Recipe
Archive, http://www.erols.com/hosey.

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