Dairy, Fruits Net robin, Salads 10 Servings


2 3oz. pkgs. cream chese
1 c Mayonnaise
1 c Heavy cream
1 No. 2 1/2 can fruit cocktail
1 c Maraschino cherries,
2 1/2 c Miniature marshmallows
Few drops of cherry juice
Cherries and mint leaves


Soften cream cheese and blend with mayonnaise. Fold in remaining
ingredients. Pour salad mixture into 1 quart round ice cream container.
Freeze firm. To serve, let stand out for a few minutes, remove from
container, slice, and place on crisp lettuce. Garnish with cherries and
mint leaves. formatted by Millie Ellis for the Feb. '98 net robin
Posted to MM-Recipes Digest  by "Robert Ellis" <rpearson@snowcrest.net> on
Apr 4, 1998

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