Dairy Jewish 1 Servings


1 Frozen banana; cut up
6 Strawberries
3/4 c Orange or cranberry juice
3 tb Dry milk powder


Put in blender and blend on high for 1 minute. Add more liquid, if needed.
The liquid can be milk or more juice. Serve in cup with a straw. Leftovers
keep in the fridge for several hours for refills.
Note: I freeze my ripe bananas with the peel on. They stay very frozen this
way. I just peel them with a vegetable peeler before using them.
Note: If strawberries are frozen, the smoothie is even thicker.
Vary the ingredients as desired, but the frozen banana is a must to get the
smooth texture.
This is my 2 year old grandson's favorite thing at my house (besides
cereal, of course :) He talks about it all the time, including the whirring
sound the blender makes because I let him push the button with me.
Posted to JEWISH-FOOD digest by "Natalie Frankel"
<Natalie.Frankel@mixcom.com> on Jun 5, 1998

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