1 Servings


Halibut steaks
1/2 Orange per steak
Butter or olive oil
Fresh ground pepper
Mesquite chips; (optional)


Soak mesquite chips in water for 30 minutes. Place mesquite chips in a
smoker box or wrap in aluminium foil and punch holes through the foil.
Place on preheated grill. Gently wash the halibut steaks and pat dry. Brush
with butter or olive oil (your choice). Sprinkle with pepper. Cut the
orange into slices. When the grill is good and hot put on the steaks,
placing orange slices on top to cover. Reduce heat to medium. Turn after
about 4-5 minutes (use your discretion, thicker steaks will take longer)
Cook until the middle is around 200 degrees, or until a skewer passes
through the steak with uniform resistance (or as I always tell people, cook
until done).
Posted to recipelu-digest by molony <<molony@scsn.net> on Feb 19, 1998

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