Seafood Seafood 1 Servings


1 ts Dijon mustard
1 ts Corn oil
1 ts Rice wine
1 ts Honey
1 6-ounce swordfish filet; 1 in thick
1 oz Olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
3 Shrimp; (15 count)
1 1/2 oz Barbecue sauce
1 sm Sweet onion; sliced 1/2 in thick
Parsley sprigs


Combine mustard, corn oil, rice wine and honey in bowl; mix well. Rub
swordfish with olive oil; sprinkle with salt and pepper. Rub shrimp with 1
ounce barbecue sauce. Arrange swordfish in 1 end of broiler pan;
arrange shrimp in other end of broiler pan. Place sliced onion between
seafood. Place on top rack of broiler preheated to 450 degrees. Broil for 4
minutes on each side. Spoon honey-mustard on I side of serving plate; place
onions on other side of plate. Arrange swordfish in honey-mustard; arrange
shrimp on onions. Drizzle shrimp with remaining 1/2 ounce barbecue sauce.
Garnish with parsley sprigs.
Formatted for MCrecipe by JoAnn Pellegrino 5/98
JoAnn's note: Chef Bob, as I know him, is no longer at Kokomo's in the
Mirage. He has been assigned to head all the kitchens at Treasure Island in
Las Vegas. He is a wonderfully creative chef who has prepared
glorious feasts for our family.
NOTES : Recipe by Chef Robert Camerota, The Mirage Hotel, Kokomo's
Restaurant (see JoAnn's note at end) Las Vegas Cooking published by Nathan
Adelson Hospice of Las Vegas NV
Recipe by: Las Vegas Best Bets/The Mirage
Posted to KitMailbox Digest  by J Pellegrino <gigimfg@ix.netcom.com> on May
19, 1998

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