Vegetables Holidays, Di, Appetizers, Vegetables 40 Appetizers


1 Basket cherry tomatoes
1 lg Ripe avocado
4 ts Lemon juice
1 tb Finely chopped onion
1 Clove garlic, minced
1/2 ts Salt
6 Strips bacon, opt.


Remove stems from tomatoes. Cut each in half crosswise. Scoop out &
discard seed pockets. Lay, cut side down, on paper towels for about 30
Peel & remove pit from avocado, In small bowl, mash avocado coarsely
with fork. Stir in lemon juices finely chopped onion, garlic & salt
until blended.
With two spoons, pile about 1 t of filling into each tomato half. If
made ahead, refrigerate for up to 4 hours.
If desired, cook bacon in wide frying pan over medium heat until crisp;
drain; let cool, then crumble & sprinkle over filled tomatoes.
Di Note:  A nice and easy appetizer for a New Year's Eve party.
Di Pahl's personal recipes-1994
Collection of recipes from "Great Sysops of the World" from COOKFDN ops.
File ftp://ftp.idiscover.co.uk/pub/food/mealmaster/recipes/mmgsotw1.zip

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