Grains Fixed 10 Servings


2 lb Medium or small fresh prawns
1/2 lb Onions
1 c Oil
3 ts Garlic & ginger ground together
2 ts White cummin seeds
3 ts Red chilli powder
2 ts Salt
1 ts Turmeric
1 Coconut


Wash prawns and rub in salt and turmeric. Set aside. Heat oil, add sliced
onion and fry unitl yellow. Add all the other spices and fry 2-3 minutes
and then add prawns. Mix prawns together with the spices and the add either
grated coconut, ground coconut or using a little water, squeezed out
coconut milk. If you are using coconut milk, add half cup of hot water, if
using grated or ground coconut add 1 cup hot water. Cover and cook over
slow fire until prawns are tender and a very thick gravy remains.
Busted by Christopher E. Eaves <cea260@airmail.net>
Recipe by: I. Chaudhary
Posted to recipelu-digest by "Christopher E. Eaves" <cea260@airmail.net> on
Mar 15, 1998

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