Meats, Grains 1 Servings


3 lb Unrolled beef brisket
Adolph's regular Meat Tenderizer
3/4 ts Salt
3/4 Garlic salt pepper to taste
1 1/2 ts Liquid Hickory Smoke
1 sl Onion rings; (up to 2)
1 ts Celery seeds
2 ts Worcestershire sauce
8 oz Your favorite BBQ sauce


ARIZONA NEWSLINK ONLINE WEBSITE: http://www.aznewslink.com
The Recipes File Newsletter is produced by Arizona Newslink Online,
Trim off all fat from Brisket. Sprinkle lberally with Adolf's meat
Tenderizer. Add salt and garlic salt, pepper to taste, and Liquid Hickory
Smoke. Cover top of brisket with onions and sprinkle with celery seeds.
Wrap tightly with foil and refrigerate for about 12 hours. Remove from
refrigerator, open foil, add Worcestershire sauce and 1/2 cup water. Cover
tightly with foil and place in heavy ovenware. Bake in 350 degree oven for
2 1/2 hours. Remove from oven, open foil, add BBQ sauce. Cover tightly with
foil and return to 350 degree oven for 1 1/2 hours. Remove from oven and
let stand for 1/2 hour. Slice across grain and spoon sauce on brisket.
Brisket is ready to serve.
Posted to recipelu-digest by GramWag <GramWag@aol.com> on Mar 16, 1998

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