1 Servings


Equal amounts parsnips and (preferrably) yukon gold potatoes; peeled and cut into large chunks
1 lg Head of garlic
Olive oil
Salt; pepper, dried thyme, parsley, or whatever other herbs suit your fancy!


Rub parsnips and potatoes with seasonings, and roast until tender. At the
same time, peel garlic, put in a piece of tin foil, and smother it with
olive oil. Partially cover the garlic, and roast until soft.
When done, squeeze out garlic and combine all ingredients (mashed, whipped,
or however you like), and season further to taste.
I also like the combination of parsnips and yukons in an au gratin dish:
Grate p arsnips and potatoes into a bowl, season with salt and pepper.
Layer the mixture in between alternating layers of shaved parmesan in an
oiled glass baking dish. Finish off with a layer of parmesan, and dribble
with oil. Bake until brown and crispy on top.
Posted to FOODWINE Digest  by Erin&Steve <saoeer@EARTHLINK.NET> on Dec 14,

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