Meats, Dairy Polish Pasta, Dishes 2 Servings


1 oz Dried Porcini or Polish mushrooms
2 c Warm water
1 ts Olive oil
4 oz Mixed wild & domestic mushrooms, trimmed and cut into thin slices
2 c Chicken broth
1 c Tortellini, stuffed with Porcini or plain cheese
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Fresh finely cut chives, garnish


If you haven't soaked the Porcini in advance (see note below) set combine
Porcini and water in a saucepan and bring to a simmer; let soak for 20
minutes or until tender. Drain soaked Porcini, rinse them to remove grit;
and chop them. Strain the soaking liquid through non-bleached paper towel
or cotton cheesecloth-lined sieve; reserve for later.
Heat the olive oil in a saucepan. When hot add chopped soaked Porcini and
saute for a few seconds. Add the fresh mushrooms, cover and cook over very
low heat until mushrooms are tender (if they begin to stick to the bottom
of the pan, add a few spoonfuls of mushroom soaking liquid). Add reserved
Porcini liquid and broth and bring to a simmer; add tortellini and cook,
uncovered for 5 minutes or until tender. Season to taste with salt and
pepper and portion out; garnish with chives.
NOTE - to soak mushrooms in advance; cover 2 ounces of dried mushrooms with
1 quart of water; set in refrigerator overnight or for longer; remove
soaked mushrooms and soaking liquid as needed.
Yield: 2 main course servings Copyright, 1997, TV FOOD NETWORK, G.P., All
Rights Reserved
Posted to MC-Recipe Digest V1 #483 by 4paws@netrax.net (Shermeyer-Gail) on
Feb 12, 1997.

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