Jewish 1 Servings


4 Apples; sliced, (no need to peel), up to 6
1 c Sugar -or-
3/4 c Honey
1/2 c Oatmeal
1/2 c Flour
1 ts Cinnamon; (more if you like the flavor)
1/2 ts Cloves; (more if you like the flavor)
1/2 c Margarine; melted


Pile apple slices in bottom of greased 9" pan. Mix remaining ingredients;
sprinkle over apples. Bake at 375o for 1 hr. Freezes well. Serve warm or
room temp.
Posted to JEWISH-FOOD digest by Adina Mishkoff <adina@amcha.org> on Aug 25,
1998, converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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