1 Servings


1/2 c Minced white onion; (about 1/2 medium onion)
2 tb Lime juice; more to taste
1 md Tomato
2 md Ripe avocados 2 serrano chillies; (according to taste), finely minced
2 tb Chopped cilantro
Kosher salt


In a medium-size bowl, mix the minced white onion and 2 tablespoons of the
lime juice. Set aside while preparing the tomato and avocados. Core and cut
the tomato into 1/4-inch dice. Cut the avocados in half, remove the seeds,
scoop out the flesh. Cut the flesh into 1/2-inch dice. add the tomato,
avocado, minced chillies and cilantor to the onion mixture. Taste for
seasoning and add salt, lime juice or minced chilli as needed. Cover
tightly with plastic wrap and let the salsa stand for about 1/2 hour before
Judy Howle Flavors of the South Recipes for "heat lovers"
FROM: Chile-Heads Digest & Mailing List
Posted to MM-Recipes Digest  by "Rfm" <Robert-Miles@usa.net> on Aug 09, 98,
converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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