Meats Chicken 4 Servings


1 Chicken; (2 1/2 – 3 lb), cut up
1 ts Salt
1/2 ts Pepper
1/4 c Flour
1/4 c Margarine or shortening
Hot water
2/3 c Orange juice
1 1/2 c Water or chicken broth
2 tb Cornstarch
1/2 ts Grated orange rind
2 tb Sherry; optional
1/2 ts Ginger


Coat the pieces of chicken with flour and seasonings. Melt the fat in a
frying pan and brown the chicken. Add water, cover and cook slowly until
the chicken is tender (25 - 30 minutes). Serve with orange sauce. Orange
In a saucepan, bring the orange juice and water (or chicken broth) to a
boil. Separately, in a little water, mix the cornstarch to a smooth thin
paste. Stir the cornstarch mixture into a boiling orange juice base and
stir until smooth and thickened. Add the remaining ingredients and heat.
Serve with fried chicken. To add colour, add a few thin slices of orange
with a touch of parsley.
Recipe by: http://www3.nbnet.nb.ca/wmoses/recipes_cat.html
Posted to KitMailbox Digest  by J Pellegrino <gigimfg@ix.netcom.com> on Sep
18, 1998, converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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