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"Now You're Cookin' " is a new monthly cooking column by Virginia
Willis, food stylist for "The Main Ingredient." Virginia has joined
the Lifetime team to help us cook a little smarter, a little faster
and a little richer!
This month, Virginia shows you how to make sure your food doesn't
"spoil" you!
You probably find it hard to believe that the foods you eat could
ever pose any harm to you. And many foods in your fridge can
withstand a slight change in temperature or an extended life in the
But with the right blend of storage smarts and know-how, you're well
on your way to a healthy fridge and pantry!
Let's look at what you should keep an eye, and nose, on in the world
of condiments, produce, poultry and beef:
It's unadvisable to eat raw eggs. (Children, the elderly and people
with compromised immune systems should never eat raw eggs.) Eat eggs
within 3-4 weeks after the "Sell By" date. Refrigerate them, and
don't buy cracked ones.
Milk, if kept in a cold refrigerator (34 F to 40 F), can last up to a
week after the .Sell By. date. But use your head: if it smells bad or
looks bad, get rid of it! When in doubt, throw it out!
Yogurt, like milk, should always be kept in a cold refrigerator, and
should be eaten within two weeks after purchase. Keep the rim and
edges clean. And don't use dirty utensils -- no "double dipping"!
Refrigerate cheese until you're ready to use it. You may take cheese
out a half-hour or so before eating so it can get used to room
temperature. Properly sealed cheeses can keep between 2-3 weeks after
Chicken, turkey and other poultry should be cooked thoroughly until an
internal temperature of 165 F is reached. Keep work areas clean, and
wash your utensils and hands after touching raw poultry.
Keep beef and fish cold, and eat soon after purchase. Don't use the
same cutting board to cut raw meat. Keep shellfish alive until
cooked. Whole fish should have clear eyes and red gills.
Keep pasta in its original container or in an airtight container.
Pasta will last up to one year. If you see any mealy-like substance,
throw it out.
While some people keep flour in the freezer, I suggest an airtight
container. Don't keep flour above the stove, since it can easily go
rancid because of the heat.
Keep bread in the bag of purchase or a sealable plastic bag. Let warm
bread cool to room temperature before sealing. Some breads harden
faster than others, depending on fat content. If moldy, throw out!
Often, grocery produce isn't ripe to begin with. Soft fruits (bananas,
melons, etc.) can ripen quickly and should be thrown out within a
week of purchase. Firmer fruits and vegetables will last about two
weeks.If soft or bruised -- out!
Dented canned goods are potentially very dangerous. Otherwise, canned
goods can last for years. Transfer remaining contents to another
container, seal, and refrigerate it. And use leftovers within the
next few days.
© 1997 Lifetime Entertainment Services. All rights reserved.
MC formatted using MC buster by Barb at PK
Recipe by: Virginia Willis
Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

A Message from our Provider:

“A spirit of thankfulness is one of the most distinctive marks of a Christian whose heart is attuned to the Lord. Thank God in the midst of trials and every persecution. #Billy Graham”

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