Eggs, Dairy Curtis aike, Flash1 1 servings


3 tb Butter
4 Eggs
1 c Milk
1 c Flour
1/2 ts Salt
2 Tb
1 lb Tart apples
4 tb Sugar
1/4 ts Grated nutmeg
1/4 ts Ground cinnamon


Melt butter in 12 frying pan in 450 degree oven. In blender mix
together eggs, milk, flour & salt until smooth. Pour batter into Hot
pan. Return to oven & bake About 10 minutes. Pancake will puff up &
get large bubbles. Pierce with a fork. While pancake is baking, melt
2 tablespoons butter in frying pan over medium-high heat. Add apples
& saute until soft add sugar, nutmeg & cinnamon. Saute about 4
minutes. When pancake is cooked, remove from oven. Spoon apple
topping over center. Slice into wedges to serve. Either sprinkle on
maple syrup or sugar & serve with lemon wedges to squeeze over slices.
Approximately 15-18 minutes.
Per serving (excluding unknown items): 1559 Calories; 61g Fat (35%
calories from fat); 44g Protein; 211g Carbohydrate; 858mg Cholesterol;
1759 mg Sodium
By Patty <designwest@ameritech.net> on Nov 9, 1998.
Recipe by: FOOD IN A FLASH  SHOW#FF2045
Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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