Grains Worrall tho, Worrall1 1 servings


4 oz Streaky bacon; or pancetta
2 tb Extra virgin olive oil
1/2 Carrot; finely diced
1/2 Celery stalk; finely diced
2 cn Flageolet beans
Rosemary; diced
Garlic; to taste
1 Onion; diced
Splash of red wine


In a frying pan add the extra virgin olive oil and pancetta and heat
Add the carrot, celery, onion, garlic and rosemary and sweat down,
stirring constantly.
Pour in a splash of red wine.
Add the flageolet beans to the sauce and cook through.
Pour the sauce over the lamb and decorate with some chopped parsley
if you want.
Serve with buttered potatoes.
Converted by MC_Buster.
Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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