As one of the Republican Presidential candidates, Ben Carson says, "You have a brain".  So let's think about climate change by reminding ourselves of some well known studies:

  • "Earth used to be covered with far more trees. Using computer models, Thomas Crowther and colleagues estimated that before human civilization Earth had about 5.6 trillion trees. So the number of trees on Earth, [now ~3 trillion], has been chopped nearly in half."  Trees do help combat human-made climate change, due to their photosynthesis cycle.
  • Just after 9/11/2001, while the FAA grounded all air travel, there were 3 days without contrails.  A study found "…an anomalous increase in the average diurnal temperature range (that is, the difference between the daytime maximum and night-time minimum temperatures) for the period 11-14 September 2001."  "Because persisting contrails can reduce the transfer of both incoming solar and outgoing infrared radiation and so reduce the daily temperature range, we attribute at least a portion of this anomaly to the absence of contrails over this period."
  • "Scientists discovered in the 1970s that chlorofluorocarbons such as Freon were hurting Earth’s ozone layer."  However, "people still use non-CFC–based aerosols widely. Today’s propellants don’t destroy ozone but do pose other problems. Hydrocarbons can contribute to ground-level ozone formation, a health threat. And some hydrofluorocarbons belong among another class of environmental enemies: the atmos­phere-warming greenhouse gases."  The problem was/is so bad that there were/are ozone layer holes in some areas allowing, excessive radiation (heat is a form of radiation) to reach the ground.

You may have other examples on your mind, so please feel free to leave your comment.

How do people respond to the topic of whether climate change is caused by mankind?

  1. Denial – the earth is a big place, and knows how to take care of itself
  2. Helpless Victim – I contribute so little to the problem, it doesn't really matter what I do
  3. Guardian – I can do something about this, and I have a plan to help make it better, starting with me and my family.  Here's my plan…
  4. Destroyer – Life is short, and I'm going to get all I can for me, regardless of the impact